Multitude of Bugs - PVE/PVP

First, I just want to say this season has been a blast. By far, it’s the best season yet. The only issue is the multitude of bugs. This game has been out for over a year, yet these issues still persist. It’s like every day I get on, I hear a clanmate or friend complain about some bug that has affected them in a negative manner.

Lately, it seems that companies care far less for their games and fan base and far more for money. Guess what? If you lose your player base, you won’t have any money. Not to mention, Xbox and PS5 players have to pay monthly to play. I understand that you are on a time constraint and that bugs are hard to find, especially when game mechanics behave in ways they are not intended to. However, IT’S BEEN OVER A YEAR! When will all these issues be addressed?

Here is a small list of some of the issues I have either heard or encountered myself:

Getting stuck on objects, walls, and cliffs.
Metamorphosis player stuck after teleport (i.e., can’t move for a few seconds after casting meta).
Invisible game mechanics and ground affixes.
Party invite bugs and error codes, especially related to Bloodmark.
Allowing sorcerers to become immortal with Flame Shield and Hectic with permanent Flame Shield—this is just lazy game design.
Firewall occasionally ticks for no damage in PvP; my buddy has the same build as me, and sometimes it only ticks for 6 damage while I’m hitting him for 30-90k ticks.
Party phase bug: when leaving a party in Fields of Hatred, it forces you back to your own layer even without the dialog box to choose to stay or go back to your original layer.
Immobilize bug while unstoppable: While a player is unstoppable, I can immobilize them. Either a bug from Temper Immobilize or Crippling Flames passive. They can’t use abilities to get out of it, even Flame Shield or Deep Freeze. The player just stays stuck with the immobilize symbol above their head.
Controller button register issues for abilities: Occasionally, abilities are unusable even off cooldown.
Invisible walls in Helltide locations.
The May 22nd bug fix for timing out on a loading screen actually now makes you time out on console. I was fine logging in before that patch, and now it’s frozen at a loading screen.
PvP party bug: Whoever joins the party and leaves to duel in Fields of Hatred takes way less damage than the other player. For example, the fire sorcerers who join and leave the party take way less damage, sometimes only 7 damage a tick, while the other sorcerers take max damage.

How about giving console players a further view distance that matches widescreen and custom views for PC? It’s kind of crazy when someone on PC can see me about three times further away than I can see them. PC has a huge advantage when PS5 and Xbox have absolutely no options for view distance and no widescreen options available.

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