Here are the logs, as you can see it seems to happen because some NPC makes an illegal action/the action has no animation:
[Game] Couldn't find an actor to copy/replace using the markerset Frac_Taiga_S (Frac_Prologue_Villagers) (976613) and marker ID 8 matching actor NPC_Frac_Prologue_Vendor_Potions (511725)
[Game] Couldn't find an actor to copy/replace using the markerset Frac_Taiga_S (Frac_Prologue_Villagers) (976613) and marker ID 7 matching actor NPC_Frac_Prologue_Tovri (1070171)
[Game] Tried to play an animation by power "POWER_SNO:AnimKey_Idle_Lean" but the actor NPC_Frac_Prologue_Vendor_Weapons doesn't support this power, we couldn't find a matching entry in the actor's animsets!
[Game] Tried to play an animation by power "POWER_SNO:AnimKey_AroundFire_Stand" but the actor NPC_Frac_Prologue_Devmir doesn't support this power, we couldn't find a matching entry in the actor's animsets!
[Game] When specifying a Copy/Replace Sno From Marker ID Filter, a Copy/Replace Sno From Marker Set Filter must also be filled in!
[Game] Couldn't find an actor to copy/replace using the markerset [sno none] (-1) and marker ID 631 matching actor FracturedPeaksHU_Nevesk_Door_01_Dyn (810010)
[Game] ptCutscene->m_eCutsceneState: PRELOADING
[Game] ptCutscene->m_eCutsceneState: PLAYBACK
[Crash] Thread 'JobWorker5' handling fatal error
[Crash] UnhandledExceptionFilter
[Crash] Crashed thread: 'JobWorker5' (0x29f8)
Full logs: