Multiple accounts on one console

Me and my wife play couch co-op on ps5. I pre-ordered vessel of hatred ultimate edition on my account. Super awesome cosmetics. I got everything, however my wife did not. Different account. I get it. But being on the same console, I don’t even have the option to purchase it on her account. It simply reads “not available”. Now I am in a heaping pile of crap because I’m riding a cat and my wife is not. Please help.

I sent the above message to blizzard support and was told to reach out here as to try and get the issue resolved. When trying to purchase from ps store, it says the account requires diablo 4 in order to purshase. Do I really have to buy the game all over again in order to then buy the expansion? Account can purchase platinum but not expansion? I feel like the happiness of my marriage for the foreseeable future is riding on this.


I have the same problem with my partner. And the only available option is for both of us to own the base game, expansion and ultimate edition. It is double the price. Unreal really. I would have been okay to pay just for the upgrade but buying the base game twice seems really bad. I don’t know if there’s anything we can do about it. We can’t really enjoy playing together anymore :frowning:

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You can “pay just for upgrade” if you purchase the DLC directly from PS store and not through the game menu. Yesturday it wasn’t avialable, now it is. Go to Diablo 4 Store Page and select the DLC edition you want, you’ll be able to buy it.

Now it’s not, looks like they fixed it and you’re able to buy DLC without owning the original game. So you can run the main game shared from different account or from phisical disc and own DLC only.

If Blizzard support couldn’t help you then it might be Sony side. Now that I’m thinking of it I’ve read few post about Sony store not allowing players to upgrade to the next edition tier. A forum user said “once a player bought a tier they can no longer buy again. They will see a grey out button”

Another forum user added “Blizzard is working with Sony on this.” How accurate I don’t know.

The end result is Sony desgin their store like this regardless if a person buys the game or a tier they can not do it again. This works differently with Microsoft for the Xbox. The best bet is to search a forum for Sony to get help there.

Have you checked if she can buy it via store[dot]playstation[dot]com instead of the store on the console. Maybe that works

Hello, does someone know this / had tested it?

We have one PS5 and two PSN accounts (A+B) each linked to its own battle net account.
PSN-A bought in 2023 D4/Ultimate. So PSN-B could also play D4 in solo mode.

When now PSN-B would buy Vessel of Hatred/Deluxe,
can PSN-A also play Vessel of Hatred solo or only in couch co-op? :slight_smile:

for me, the rest of the fam can’t play on the PS5 anymore since i bought the xPack via the ingame store. It wants each person to buy the game and the xpack.

it looks like they have changed it so that only the person who buys the xPack is able to play the game on the console.