Mount not moving?

Am I just an idiot?
I received the mount, and for the last 2 days after I press “z” to mount to try and move the darn thing and it doesn’t…

Like I literally mean im clicking like I usually do to move my character, but when i’m on my mount, it automatically dismounts me as I try to click it to move…

Am I doing something?

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Yeah i have the same issue, i literally cant move with it

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hey i have the same problem too. just got my mount yesterday. can get on but cant move wtf blizzard.

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Hey Guys
Found a workaround that solves the problem for me.
I’ve switched left and right mouse click (years of LoL muscle memory dies hard).
Couldn’t move the horse either until I switched the mouse buttons back to the original layout.
A bit of a pain, but still better than not using the Mount at all.

Does this work for you guys too?


I Found a good solution dude!
just change the dismount button off of your move button, and it’ll work!

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Z works to mount for me, but right click to dismount does not. I rebound the keys. Still no joy. To dismount I have to initiate the town portal (T) then interrupt it.

I recently have this problem too