More season over progression

Maybe I play too much, at least that is my wife’s opinion :slight_smile: Anyway, I face a problem that game run out seasonal content and lose interest about game. Maybe very hardcore content what’s needed “thousands” of game hours and carry over seasons could be a very welcome addition to the game and you won’t get bored of the game so easily if you constantly have something to do that moves the character’s development forward.

Here’s a thought…

Play something else ?

I am currently playing some elden ring for the first time after seeing how nice the shield build was and soon SoD phase 4.

You don’t have to restrict yourself to one game.

Play D4 until you are bored and then move on, Don’t force yourself to enjoy something

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Try hardcore mode. Its the same game, but it slows you down and forces you to think as you play.

This is very confusing and doesnt make a lot of sense. Could you please rewrite it?

I meant, it would be good to have more content for the game that takes a lot of time to complete and at the same time develops the character, as an example Lilith statues whose bonuses are not dependent on the season.

You mean the lack of end-game content?

Maybe there will be more and more in the future (the tiring “rich” game content), but now just S4 here, I can accept that the game is “in development”.

After you already bought it as a full game and expansion is coming out? There is a major lack of endgame content being a year in.

Yep, S1\S3 is horrible for me, I’ve been playing StormHeros all year round :rofl:.

At least the S4 gave me a turnaround. Hopefully the S5 doesn’t disappoint me too much.