More obdusite plz

I would like to see SOME amount of obducite drop from higher-level pit runs. Just thinking about it logically, I don’t think people are going to be excited to run lower-level pit runs to farm materials because there is no real challenge there anymore, right?

I just cleared a 64 and got legendary materials to go to rank 9 on one of my masterworks, but I’m still just 2 obdurate even after all those runs getting there. Now I’m realizing I need to farm lower ones to get more obducite for my other gear, but id rather just keep climbing or be able to keep doing runs at my max level for the slight challenge it provides and still get my materials. It doesn’t have to keep going up and up but maybe like the max amount of obducite that will drop maxes out ( I don’t know what the teir is but say 30) and you’ll continue to get that same amount as you climb, while also getting more and more of the other mats until those also max out and you get to the next tier and you continue to the climb.

I think that will also help with climbing too, cause you get to continue upgrading your gear through the climb and that will help one keep pushing higher and higher, instead now, I have to go back start doing lower runs to get more lower mats = less fun. I;d rather keep doing my max and getting the max benefit I can from a 64.

There are 3 mats. Obducite, Ingolith, and Neathiron. You start getting 5 obducite in teir 1 and go to the max say at 30 which drops like 100, then you go to 31 and you get your 100 obducite and 5 ingolitgs… and work up to 100 obducite and 100 ingoliths and like teir 60, then you start getting ur 100 obductite, 100 ingoliths, and 5 neathiron… and hopefully that makes sense. The numbers are just completely hypothetical here. I think you guys can do a better job crunching the numbers, I’m just making a suggestion on how I think it can improve a bit.

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You can craft Obducite Boxes on Alchemist


As Karbonus says, you can actually convert higher materials to lower at the alchemist.

At a really good rate too.

100 orange is 300 yellow
100 yellow is 300 white

So 100 orange is 900 white. Go to town OP.

Thank you guys! I didn’t know you could do this lol