More item finding, less item grinding

Loot 2.0 brought some nice changes but brought some issues as well. Can we iterate on those changes and improve them?

Specifically the issues I am running into are:

  • Having to go to the blacksmith slots to see if an item is an upgrade
  • Not wanting to upgrade because I don’t want to play blacksmith slots to get tempering/masterworking again. Especially if I got lucky on the first item.
  • Feels bad when you brick an item (twice in a row now)
  • Feels bad when you reroll the same masterwork 10 times in a row

The net effect of 2.0 is that I engage far less in the end game than I did before 2.0. I mostly just level alts now and do little with masterworking and tempering. Generally just taking what I get and not even bothering with 12/12 on most of my alts. 90% of the upgrades I find at end game I just vendor because I don’t want to bother with them.

As a player what I would like to see is a system where I can be excited when an item drops again. To know that the item is an upgrade or can upgrade my item. I would like the game to be more item finding and less item grinding.

I want to be able to look at the item and say “oh that’s an upgrade, let me slot it”. Not “This might be an upgrade let me spend a 1/2 in town to find out”.

If we want to do item building let me have a true “forever item” that I can keep building till it’s BIS. What I don’t want is starting all over with a new “forever item” like we have now.

Otherwise rework the current systems to have less RNG or some way to not have to go through that RNG over and over again every time you find a possible upgrade.