More Controller Vibration

This is a small “issue” compared to the major things like game/class balancing, but I sorta wish there were more vibrations applied to skills across the board. The only ones I’ve personally seen that utilized vibrations are sorcerer’s incinerate and ice shard abilities.

For me it’s a big part of game feel, though I recognize there has to be a balance. Thoughts?


Personally thought but plz god no then I would have to turn the whole ability off as it causes issues with arthritis when excessive.

I want less because it kills battery

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There’s barely any vibration as it is. If you want less, why not just turn vibration off in settings? Super easy fix on your end.

Barely? Not so sure. Though, many I have experienced were to bugs. And yes I did turn it off because of this.

Last week it was like a vibrator standing in poison or getting hit by Wraiths. Glad they’ve turned it down.

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They could def change the intensity here and there. It’s just weird to me that only like 3 skills across all classes utilize it, makes me thing theyre not fully implemented or maybe bugged

im not sure if i would want more vibration per se (altho i am a fan of rumble ever since my n64) but i would like to see more support for ps5 dualsense features: adaptive triggers, touch pad, etc…

Think someones needs to buy a vibrator. >.>

Please do add more rumble. I really liked the rumble in Diablo 3 (PS) and Diablo 2 (PC) It’s so satisfying.

I find the beta’s implementation to be very lackluster. All attacks need to have a tactile sensation. If people don’t want vibration, they’ll turn it off.

At the very least, add an option for full rumble. It may sound dumb, but it’s part of what makes the game so addicting for me.

I thought during my playthrough there was a healthy mix of controller vibrations. Hogwarts Legacy is a prime example of overdoing vibrations which kills your battery after a day or two.

I’m super late to this thread but as a Barbarian there isn’t much in my kit that causes vibration. Not even Wrath of the Beserker. The only time I feel haptic feedback is when I’m standing in an AOE attack such as poison. Really feels like this is unutilized and something I would have expected to be categorized as a bug by S2.

Like wtf do u need? A magic wand?

I kept telling all of them thats what they really needed.

Lol, sorry to revive this thread, but it was the one that came up when I did a Google.

Yes, please add more rumble, haptics, triggers, and whatever else. It really adds to the game, and for people that don’t like it, you can just turn it off.

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