I like the beta but skill tree needs rework back to the old one and 3 magic classes and onlyba barberian and rogeu . To be honest i miss the monk class was fun to play and i dont have the same feeling with the other classes
It’ll probably be added later as DLC just like Necro in D3
This game is sorely lacking a paladin. Need a holy warrior shield class, not crusader either.
Dont forget the druid… it definitely is a melee class if it wants to be… in fact the pulverize skill is one of the most powerful melee skills.
As far as monk though… i dunno i hated the monk to me it was boring in design and look.
I rather have a pally or crusader style class. Given leaked art work i suspect the first added class will be a armored holy knight style class.
Palidin and amazon most like 1s since monk was in d3.
I suspect that we’ll see both a Paladin and a Monk class added as DLC later in the game. We’re currently lacking characters to fill either of those concepts. This said, understand that it won’t be something that can be done by June’s release unless they’ve quietly been working on either/both all along. You have to implement new gear to match their stats, new quests for their Masteries, and do 50 levels of skills plus a Paragon map for each new class. All of that can take quite awhile to design, iterate, test, QA, and finally implement.
Most likely. Usually something like that is decided way in advance. They knew they were doing the crusader 5 years before it was released. They were deciding between monk and crusader for last class and which one would be reaper of souls xpac class
Yeah there is a Monk npc in the first quest of the beta, the other guy who had been drugged by the town, could be Blizz throwing hints that they haven’t forgotten but who knows.
At this rate we don’t even know how much the next classes are going to weigh.
Did you play the Rogue? It literally is a Monk and Demon Hunter smashed into one. The melee skills like Dash, look and play the same as the Monk.
Not my play style so not buying the game when it comes out . I know just for one class but if i dont find my play style with one of the classes
Monk please…monk…i hope class monk soon
It doesn’t make sense the last two Diablo games have had a monk class and this one with all its potential does not.
I am sure a new class is coming soon. I wouldn’t mind seeing something completely new. But at the same time, I welcome any of the other classes we have seen in the past.
Por favor incluyan al Monje, es lo que más deseo.
Please include the Monk, that’s what I want most.