Modern D4 Feedback

I just want to say that I have played D4 since Beta and have enjoyed every season. Everything you have added except the Gauntlet has been a win for the game pretty much.

But damage has gotten out of hand. Spiritborn shouldn’t have happened, and now we are seeing the same again but with more classes.

I am what i would consider a core player and day two I’m one tapping T4 ladder bosses with 4 Lvl 15 glyphs, one unique and a couple aspects. I didn’t have to work for it. I didn’t have to research and try min/max my paragon or tempers/gear.

The new uniques you are adding are aesthetically and functionally some of the best we have ever had. But either we need a massive stat squish again or you need to add pinnacle content with enticing rewards.

Looking forward to the much needed changes in Season 8. Pit 100 and one tapping every boss in the game, my season’s goals are pretty much done for me in S7 after two days.

Edit: The policy to not drastically nerf builds mid season has been the right choice historically. But this season I would argue that if feasible an emergency squish is warranted. There is a lot of build variety and its trivial to boost a second character at this time.