Mob density - Don't nerf everything! | Buff everything!

Are you expecting player to run in half empty Dungeons?
The Mob density was not “to high” in some dungeons.
It is to low in every other dungeon!

I still need extremly long in such “high density dungeons”, but at least i see some progress.

It seems like you nerf everything to death, but still do not understand what the goal is.

Have you thought about maybe buff the rest, so it’s equal and people won’t go to particular dungeon, because they are clearly more efficient.


Feeling the same… Only nerf after nerf, no fun anymore


That’s exactly what they want you to do.

Tell them to fkn climb dk mountain mouth first and don’t run them.

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For a diablo game, T4 and 50ish nm dungeons I feel like these should have mobs to fight…not fight a few then run find a few more mobs spread out…I expect this early in the game but I had some hopium that later on it would be more packed to see mass slaughter with the power creep.


Mob density is my only real complaint so far, the rest are more minor QoL issues.

The game too often plays like an RPG and not an aRPG. Give me hordes of demons, not tiny little packs with lots of running.

Unfortunately this is a big one - not enough action leads to boredom pretty quickly.


Really feels like they nerf everything so endgame will last longer and they have more time for new content.
There is no other logical explanation for me why they do this


I really dono how they don’t see that they should increase in all dungeons, not decrease in the only dungeon that was fun


I’m convinced they reduced drop rate of Sacred items or rare items in general, was getting way more yesterday

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I honestly do not understand what the thought process of the devs here is. Oh no! Some players are able to level moderately faster than others because they realized this dungeon has higher mob density. Nerf it!

Why? Seriously, why? Some people are not reading any guides, watching any videos, etc. and are just playing as slow as can be and having a ball doing so. Good for them!

Other people enjoy end-game content as well as having multiple alts. Those players are desperately searching for optimized ways to level quicker and for some reason you are punishing those players. Haven’t ya’ll learned your lessons yet from all the other games.

Fun is what matters. Fun for everyone. While it would be nice, you don’t have to buff all the other dungeons to increase mob density. Simply don’t touch the dungeons that people have discovered makes their gaming experience more enjoyable unless it is an legitimate exploit. There is no exploit here, no cheating, etc. People are just trying to get to the content in the game (that they paid damned good money for) that they actually want to play.

I’m sorry, but after I have maxed one character why in the actual hell would I then want to spend another 100+ hours to level an alt doing the exact same content. Stop trying to control how players play the game unless they are legitimately doing something wrong. Finding a good dungeon to run and then spam running it is not wrong! It’s an ARPG; that’s what you do. Finding the best, fastest way to level is a staple of literally every game in existence that has exp/levels!

Please actually pay attention to your forums and feedback and rollback some of these changes because holy hell ya’ll are stepping back from the positives of Dragonflight and spiraling into Shadowlands reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal damned quick here =(



This is definitely not a End-Game.
Searching de facto for monsters at level 80+ is no where near a end-game content.
4 Monster every 10 seconds is no where near a end-game content. It is a tragedy


Oh man that shadowlands comparison hit real hard. I hadn’t noticed it was heading in that direction till you said it lol. Thats real Fing sad man.


Standardizing is a good thing, but at a HIGH level, not at a low level of density!

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The problem is, they won’t do a roll-back on those changes, because then they’d have to admit they’ve done something stupid.


I guess another point for me is I guess people are thinking oh I’m gonna hit level 100 and then the game is over. No…that’s like legit when the game really begins. Maybe even around 80-90+, but still lol. It’s not like I am going to hit level 100 and then suddenly I’m bored and not going to want to play anymore. That’s when I really am going to start min-maxing my build to get the most out of it and see just how powerful I can truly become.

THAT is what I and many, many more players want to experience and NOT just on one character lol. 100+ (I think the average is 150?) hours to max is ridiculous.

We have already paid for the game. If someone gets bored and leaves for a bit after they have maxed, why in the heck do you care Blizz? They will either be back for Seasons/xpacs or they won’t, but you already got your money so stop punishing us for playing how we want to play!


So far, and I’ve done every dungeon in the first zone and some in the second, cause I’m one of those slow people who likes to probe every dark place this game has, I honestly can’t complain. I never actually felt like a dungeon was overcrowded or got that feeling that there should be monsters where there aren’t. So as far as the dungeons I’ve been to are concerned, I don’t think they need to be buffed or nerfed.

Which is ridiculous in and of itself. The devs need to go to/experience a few therapy sessions lol. Constructive criticism…yeah that’s a GOOD thing Blizz! Learn from it plz…

If ppl leave because they have maxed out everything, they surely will come back for seasons. Because if the game was boring and not fun, they wouldn’t even have maxed out the first time.

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That’s kinda of my point Nemo. For someone like you who is going slow everything is great and the thing is a few days ago everything was great. Now they are nerfing the crap out of the dungeons that players like myself and others who want to rush endgame are playing and it does NOT feel great. We are being literally forced into hours and hours of grinding for no reason. We have already done that on one character. We have no desire to do so for 5+.

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Blizzard makes it uninteresting for players to bring the other classes to the maximum level. So you are sort of tied to the class you started with, because nobody has 100+h time for a twink, let alone 4 twinks.

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Don’t misunderstand, cause I’m not taking a side here, but isn’t that what we end up doing anyway when the new season comes out?

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