Minions in T4 are to week

So after testing minions in T4 I have to say it have to be a joke. They struggle now to even kill normal mobs of equal level… and thats with perfect aspects/tempers and 2 ubers and few lv 45 gems… while most non minions build are having no issues at all.

Well I already knew minions will be useless in S6 after stream as we got 0 minion related features but com on… at least make what makes the class unique usefull. Even druid is doing better as a minion class atm.

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Just the Companions new glyph that scales with int nodes, and board gives them 1000something multi, and don’t get me going on their aspects. Also they have an active damage portion, that is much, much greater than skeletons damage. Not to mention Companions get skill ranks, from their new lenegadry node. Also they get a 130% increase form the glyph just by socketing it. Minions get less mulipliers, we get a glyph that can’t be scaled, and a legendary node that gives 150% damage but we have to get a 100% minion IAS first. Also we get a few 10%-15% increased damage to them when/if certain requirements are met. Druids are the new summoners, and the summoner class is now edgy dark wizzard.


Sadly its nothing new.

There is blatant disregard of attention to the core mechanic of the class. At best minions are accessories a conduit for some aspect or unique only and even then in 99% cases no minions are far better than when using minions.

So far all the best builds in S6 will not use minions and minions wont be even capable of doing T4. Even glyphs dont really use minions. At best they buff, but none of the effects triggers from minions.

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try bone spirit necromancer dps is insane

dont know how bone spirit gone work it need 7 paragon boards will test tomorrow

Thats not a minion, its obvious Bone spirit will be top build in season 6 again.

Point was that minions, a core feature, is the most useless part of the class again.
Just Tried with lv 100 Glyphs now after we can boos and its not really much better.

And yes it does work better than ever actually. Just uses some new skills and the new ulti.

they remove bone spirit form rolls it where a boss killer not happy nerf every thing

Tried the new runes with minions and god its so week. The only thing thats is even remotely useful is barb warcry. Nothing else scales with minions. Im done with PTR its making me depressed how week minions are and cant even do T63 at normal speed but strugle while other classes blitz trough T100 at light speed.

Im done. Have 0 hype for 2.0.

the problem with the minion of the necro, is that are literaly a weaker version of the companion druid.
The minion don’t scale with skill rank, don’t have lucky hit, so they can’t proc anything if not with strange bug, the gap beetween golem and skelethons is astronomical, and we can have only one golem, when now the druid can have something like 6/7 wolfs, when one wolf at now is than a golem.
Also i’m a necro main, but the constant nerf of weaker build as minion necro it’s turning me in a Barb player, i’m really enjoing more it’s gameplay at this point.
The necromancer was the weakest class even in the season that was supposed to be his, and the season after they nerf it, cmon.


Sadly thats true. They give constant promises but after the livestream for 2.0 i kind of expected it after Necromancers a class that is promoted as SUMMONER, received no aspects or skills for minions. We still have no minion uber item or even uniques.

Druids are by far kings of minions in S6 now simply because scaling on necromancers minions is abysmal, and you cant mix anything with them to work for reason you mentioned.

Rip Minions S6 from now on you are just for newbs and leveling.

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I am upset too.

Minions Necro shold be to tier build. Necro should be summoner. I echo the need to buff minions and shadow Necro


Check this that was just posted. It kind of tells everything we feel about this situation right now. And its deppresing.

Its youtube code since i cent link it normally - 8S7nW5vTQew

To be quite honest, I just reported bugs on the PTR minutes ago. I have 100% Crit Chance, 2.2k Crit Damage, 5k Mage Damage, 4k Golem Damage, 220% AoTD Damage on 2H Scythe with over 430% Summon Damage plus a ton of other buffs/paragon/debufs ect - Minions are barely breaking 300k damage per hit. It makes absolutely no sense outside of items and stats being straight up bugged. Also, some tempers don’t seem to be working which makes me assume no minion tempers are working (e.g. Skeletal Priest Effect Duration is at 18 sec but only lasts for the default 8 sec). It would align with what I am seeing in lack of any statistical or substantial damage. This also includes multiple ranks on the skill tree to buff all my minions.

I know this is a PTR but it is becoming increasingly difficult to test things like this over time and to do it all within a week’s time. Minions have had their tiny moments and niche uses but it seems like Blizzard just does not want Minion Necromancer to be a solid level viable build overall. I still hold out hope but with each passing season Necro keeps getting lower on my fave class list.

Might as well play Winterglass LS Sorc or even Companion Druid apparently at this point.

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Did you try the wolves rune word so you summon wolves?

Funny you should say because I did a little while ago haha. My findings:

Wolves hit for Cold Damage and can chill/freeze. They can easily chill packs of mobs - including elites! - Now it would be incredible if they counted as minions but for now they basically do no damage XD. They are easy to summon, provide solid CC, could potentially add stagger to bosses and may even pull threat. Not ultra strong DPS wise but definitely one of the more interesting runewords out there currently.

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Yeah i did its as an idea, but those minions do no damage with completely pimped out minion build to the moon, they do 2-6k damage at best… when we need stuff that hits in tens of milions at that point in gear progression even trashiest of builds from other classess with that good gear do that much. Also they dont scale with any minion stats, and dont attack on their own unless you attack something making them even less usefull.

I also reported that as a bug.