Minion overpower PTR

Has anyone seen a minion overpower on the PTR?

I cannot honestly say I have seen a single orange text hit for a crit overpower or any overpower for that matter.

This is possibly only due to the fact that minion damage regardless of how much damage they are doing is considered second class to player damage when it comes to displaying numbers. My minion damage hits which are in the 10’s of millions for my mages are buried under a mountain of 100-300k hits from my spells and tryeal’s might spam.

How about isolating their damage? Don’t use anything else just one minion on the training dummy.

i haven’t been actively testing for it, i just wondered if anyone has actually tested or seen them overpower?

I honestly gave up on the PTR after i did a full respect failed to do my old pit 115 speed farm, thought it was my new build being bad… respec’ed back to my old build went back into a 115 and the boss’s hp didnt move… realized it was bugged and logged out LOL

also had a go on the new content… zero density and zero loot… decided to wait for a patch before going back on the PTR.

I did now test it, and yes they overpower. Its like seeing a solar eclipse in frequency though.

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I tested it with a scarecrow. Minions do Overpower attacks sometimes. 3% frequency as Overpower chance and I don’t think we can’t increase the chance.

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