Midwinter Blight only in one area of Fracture Peaks Zone

I am only getting midwinters nights enemies to spawn in one zone. The eastern plain just outside NE of kyovashad. They are there every time and will sometimes respawn if I run around enough and walk into other zones and come back. I can find frozen husks every time and frozen villagers occasionally. I have never seen one of the events, ie midwinters revelry or frozen alive, happen. I have run through all of the other zones in fractured peaks multiple times and never seen a single midwinter night enemy. This is happening across all of my characters who are all seasonal, one of each class. Just got the game 2 weeks ago. I was very frustrated till I found that one zone. Took a couple of hours. I was using maps and blight farming guides with no luck. I haven’t tried being in a party with other players yet though I have seen them in the zone with me. Would love to try some of the events but none are located in that zone so I haven’t ever seen one. Hope this helps and you can fix it.


Same here, this is the first post I’ve seen about the issue so I thought maybe I was the only one


This is happening to a few other folks over in this post: Midwinter Blight event enemies not spawning for 1 character - extends to whole party when grouped - #8 by Kirby-12820

I can ONLY view event enemies, frozen husks, and frozen villagers in the EASTERN PLAINS zone. Nowhere else around Kyovashad do event things spawn. This is game breaking for the Holiday event. Running around that one zone trying to farm is useless as there’s only 3 frigid husks that spawn in the Eastern Plains and one frozen villager. No winter events in that region and low mob density. Without access to events we’re screwed.


Myself and two others are having this issue as well.
Our characters are all Seasonal, our characters are all above level 50. None of our characters have completed the Campaign and we are all on Veteran difficulty…
None of us can find anything when we go to the Purple “Totem” symbol outside of Kyovashad. We are only finding a few mobs for this event in the Eastern Plains area of Fractured Peaks. We have scoured the whole area of Fractured Peaks and are not seeing anything marked on the maps or any other “blighted” monsters for this event anywhere besides that one spot in Eastern Plains.
What’s the deal Blizzard?
This event is all but pointless with this bug.
Whats the big secret here? Is anything going to be done about this?


For me, too. Only NE of Kyovashad. I have the same experience as the threadstarter. I would like to mention the very low mob density, too. Seasonal Barb, before and after L50, have not completed campaign.


I just tried making a new char, but skipped campaign on this one. With him everything seems to be normal. Bightfiends everywhere and the mob density is way way higher.

Update 2

After my Barb completed the campaign everything is now normal for him, too.


I also have this issue. WTF Blizz? Can we get a repsonse?

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Reply to update 2, yup finishing campaign fixed this issue. :tired_face: