Meteor rank 10+ blue fire ring visual gone after patch... WHY?

I pushed hard to make a decent Meteor Sorc, and get meteor to over rank 10 to enjoy the upgraded blue fire ring visuals. I log on this morning after the new patch, and it’s gone.
Nothing whatsoever in patch notes, and no real logical reason why it should be removed.
Looks like the last remaining reason i had to play Sorc is now gone. Time to roll a Barb.
Why Blizzard has even bothered with multiple classes is a mystery, clearly they want everyone playing Barb. Should have simply made the game single class, it would have saved them a fortune on development and ongoing Barb-buffing/every-other-class-nerfing costs.
Might be I’m having a whinge, but really ?? It was cool, it was visually pleasing, and they literally had to pay a Dev to remove it, why… just why ?

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This was well documented in the patch notes. They specifically stated:

“Everything cool with the sorc class must be nerfed. Barb class gets a buff to balance sorc vs barb game play in PVP. Spirit class will be extremely OP in S5 to encourage adoption, and then it will be ‘balanced’ in S6 [dev note: balance = nerfed to the ground]. In S6 mid season patch, there will be a minuscule buff to a damage type that does no real damage because hey, why not… it’s what the algorithm suggests”


Wait did sorc spells really had a visual nerf? But the only real reason to play sorc is because the spells are flashy lmao

I posted it in the bugs forum. Interestingly enough the hydra blue hue was fixed with the patch but it broke all the other ones. Fireball, flamewall, meteor all lost theirs

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When y’all gonna learn? Every patch fixes and breaks something.

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UGH. Did not know this was a thing.

I remember a season or two ago telling/showing my guildies how cool it was that fire abilities changed graphics a lil at X rank. They thought it was awesome and we all hoped they would introduce this sort of thing to other classes.

What is wrong with these people? Why is FUN so elusive to them??

Sorry, got a lil dramatic.

UGH, though.

‘Cuz if cool not 4 barb, then cool not 4 gaem. Barb = baseline’

-blizzard dev circa 2024 who has just zero idea on how to dev or what the word baseline means.

Jesus! Did they really break it again!? It was already puny enough with just a tiny blue circle instead of the entire bottom half of the meteor burning blue but now even that’s gone? So glad I haven’t logged in at all in weeks. Every time they mess with the game they completely massacre sorcerers, it’s beyond a meme at this point.

Are they aware of this ?? upp

I would assume so since it’s been an ongoing bug since the game launched. I would further assume that they plan to keep on ignoring it because they either can’t fix it or just dgaf. If it doesn’t get fixed with the patch that introduces the next season don’t count on it getting fixed any time soon.