Metamorphosis locking character after evade

Having a serious issue with Metamorphosis getting my character stuck / stunned after using evade. This happens intermittently. You will use evade(metamorphosis) and your character will just be unable to move or use skills. This will persist through the duration of unstoppable. Which counter acts the point of being unstoppable.

This happens on my Sorc, Barb, Necro, and Druid.


Extremely noticable with channeled abilities like whirlwind if you evade while holding the channeled abilities button down.

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Yep, happens on Rogue too when I’m holding down the attack button for Puncture and then dash or evade. But I didn’t realize that’s what was causing it until now. Crazy. Bugs in this game are just really annoying.

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lol i just made a bug report about this same issue on my barb with WW

it happens because of using metamorphosis mid channel, ive had to get in the habit of making sure im not holding down whirlwind before i metamorphosis

This really is dangerous in HC because it locks your character out of moving or even attacking… PLEASE HOTFIXXXXXX THIS