Mercenaries are Ugly!

Where is my enchantress from d3? Where is my archer waifu from D2?

These mercanaries looks yuck. (Except for the demon child. He looks freaken awesome.)

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Not sure what the hell that is.


Blizzard loves ugly now. Its the dei era, look at how Neyrelle looks in the game compared to the cinematic. Insulting to females. The companions need to be customizable. That fairy imp thing will sit on a shelf. The only crum tossed at me in it seems to be the cat pets, but they had to make them cartoon amd childish. I want a pet that looks badszz and ready to run around demons. Like a mean panther or jag.

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No idea either. He or she is in the middle image. Looks like part goat demon.

I hope they have dialogue and personal stories like in D3.

Yea… I don’t like all the gore and visera in cosmetics, horses, etc. Even the general character designs look awful. (Like modern American standards of abstract art.)

At this point, D3’s world of warcraft inspiration looks more practical.

I just want practical armor, cosmetics, and decent looking people. lawl.

Are characters slaying demons supposed to be pretty? Or tough? I want my characters to look tough… are characters NOT being pretty that much of a distraction?

Yes. They should look idealicly handsome or beautiful.

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Lol I feel the opposite. To me the demon child looks the most out of place and like he belongs in The Witcher or Baldur’s Gate and not Diablo :sweat_smile: I’m already worrying that they’re going to have super cringe dialogue when fighting enemies.

Lol. I fear the same. For what it was, Diablo 3 followers had a great story and camp chatter.

Depending on the details we get with the mercs, I agree they don’t look like they fit entirely, but they could if done properly. Idk why they wouldn’t use an Iron Wolf Mage merc again considering they’re part of this season and they were originally from Kurast in D2, but I won’t pretend to know what these new devs are thinking. They’re not utilizing the old games and lore as much as I feel like they should.

The pets, on the other hand, seem more like a cop out than an actual decent implementation. The cats fit the aesthetic with the mount we got and possibly we’ll see more as monsters in the xpac, but the cute fuzzy nature doesn’t really fit typical Diablo.


LOL. The weebs are at it again. :laughing:

You’re right I wanna fight alongside Madonna.