Melted Heart of Selig, bad or I'm clueless?

Do you use this item? If yes, do you like it?

I have tested it for a few days now, it doesn’t deserve to have the mythic unique tag. At most it can be a normal unique.

Only MS affix on leveling alts before world tier 4 has been good, otherwise I think it is a weak item compared to other Mythic uniques.

Only time I’ve used it is with Uber Lilith. I still died.

All tormented bosses has a stacking debuff that will eventually kill no matter how godly gear you have.

I’ve never got it before, but from what i’ve read about it. It uses resource when damage is taken, i imagine if you have a low resource pool i wouldnt be very good.

It used to allow for immortal builds but they nerfed it. I’m not sure how effective it is now but if you’re defenses are weak it could certainly help compensate.

For me it is a immortal build for alts that I use to afk farm IW on tier 2 and my character never dies with it.

Had the same question actually.
Got one last night - my 1st and only Mythic and didn’t want to destroy it if it was something that was used.
Briefly looking up a few builds…it seems it’s worth more as a Spark than an item.


selig just a defensive item translating 75% DR roughly costing a 1.5x aspect slot.

Its useful in speed especially speed pit for coziness. Many builds recommends defensive aspect on amulet. Selig will better in these situations unless the build is a heavy resouece spammer.

I would save it, because one mythic costs 4 spark, unless you have an duplicate.

it eliminates 75% of the incoming damage. i use it with a 20k life build and can run pit 120 just fine. the after death bombing everywhere will still destroy u tho.

incorrect. Many builds have a damage aspect modifier for the amulet due to amulets gaining a higher statistic over everything other than two-handed weapons. Putting a defensive aspect on your amulet would be a major waste, especially because this amulet is probably the best in terms of defense. If you did want a defensive amulet though, this is probably the best one.

I use this amulet to level other characters, that’s pretty much it. It cannot beat cooldown/damage multiplier legendary amulets. Most unique items need to be buffed regarding their damage/cooldown/ bonuses. Most unique items are useless, especially because of tempering now.

The only uber unique’s I use are shako and grandfather, starless and tyraels are also used. Grandfather is only used in barb bleed builds, and even then its barely better. I mean one of the stats on grandfather is that its immune to needing to be repaired… like… what a major waste of an affix slot. Something that before patches would take an entire lifetime to find. Yep, immune to durability loss, that’s what it sure needed!

Clueless devs are actually clueless.


Thanks for the info.
What I quoted - Yes. Really really dumb that takes an AFFIX Slot.
I mean the weap is pretty freaking strong for sure but c’mon.
That’s legacy crap.
Even in D2 the game got to a point that the “INDESTRUCTIBLE” tag was actually detrimental to Unique items and there was ZERO reason for their not being allowed to roll Ethereal.
It destroyed the value and use of them(I mean it’s tough vs Grief rw but still would’ve given them SOME use without worry about them breaking).

D3 had no Eth items and it was pointless to carry over that Affix.
Same with D4 - The Affix should be shelved for a time if/when they ever revisit Ethereal. If they don’t then it needs to stay shelved and forgotten about forever.

I have the one from somewhere. About to wrap up Wolves - but that could take a bit as the XP seems to be going quite slow… that’s what I get for starting Season a week ago.
I’ll probably try it out and salv for a Shako when the time comes.

I think the mythic drop now is random but will change in season 5, where the system checks if you own the mythic unique or not. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I have no idea what their plans are in that regard.
I was multitasking(cooking/prepping and dishes) during the CFC and would only glance at the monitor here and there.
I might have missed something(s).

its a good ammy, helps keep you alive doing things well above your level, when i push deep pits on my barb i use that and swap an aspect.

Deep levels of pit (over 100) only scale the HP of enemies, not their damage.

It can add stupid levels of survivability to generator builds. But you lose significant dps by giving up the amulet slot. It can be really good for some builds

Its up to individual what and how you build the character. As for barb 101 is 2 min or less with damage aspect or not. Selig prevents 1 shots w.o relying on incenses and elixirs which promotes…COZY gameplays.

Melted Heart is a good survival unique. Need the health pool though. The amulet won’t save from OHKO. If an attack deal 30k damage and health is only 20k, Melted Heart won’t help.