Maxroll Guide - Death Trap or Twisted Blades?

You’re referring to a bug, which has already been fixed. Furthermore, if it’s unplayable, then how is it that at this precise moment I’m farming tier 35 nightmare dungeons (lv78 rogue vs lv94 mobs/bosses)? Pray tell.

There has been a couple of report about TB being bug recently like today. You might be lucky to not have encounter the bug. It apparently make orbit do no damage. Pray tell that your not the only one in this game!

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Where are the notes for the fix? I still have 0 cooldown reduction from TB.

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what TB build exactly if u dont mind? Death trap or somethin else?

Don’t know what to tell you then. If you’re correct, and it sucks, then why/how is it still working for me? You got screwed with a selective bug RNG or is it an L2P issue?

You seem to know about rogues. What build would you recommend I go with for me at level 50?

Quoting this as if I don’t know about it?

Haven’t played any other characters andvis only lvl 56, but so far i love the TB deathtrap build

The TB cooldown issue(?) has neither been confirmed as a bug by Blizz nor has anything been posted since it was reported about any fixes. Dunno where you got this info from.

I think that playing with death trap is meh. Shadow clone is ok and arrow storm for the worst. I feel that the ultimate that rogue have are not really top notch compare to other class. Prefer to go for more imbuement for increase potential and damage

I think that’s what Im gonna respec to later tonight, the death trap TB build. Unless I hear otherwise, it seems to be the best one right now

Don’t know what you’re playing, but using a skill, attack once only to then wait 10 seconds before I can do it again isn’t fun. The build is playable but not fun. If you enjoy it, that’s fine, but it’s hardly an L2P issue if you’re Lvl 75 and your stats are high enough that you don’t need CDs like that anymore. Try LVL 50 without spending 30 minutes on a dungeon.

By playing and getting the CDR.

I don’t wait 10 seconds between attacks and if I’m past level 70, I’d think it’s safe to say that I’m past the level 50 experience, right?
If it’s not fun to play, well of course that’s important, but I don’t know what you want me to say. Fun is a subjective thing and not everyone will agree on it.

You could level up and equip yourself well up to lvl 75 with this build. This might work quite well for you, precisely because you have the dmg. But if you try to tear something at lvl 50… Unlike yesterday, it’s just a joke. I pull a mob, charge in and hardly get any cooldown reduction.

I didn’t get through that easily yesterday either, but it was definitely playable and felt more rewarding than it is now. The build relies on you playing a glass cannon, of course if you have the gear it’s easy to say hey the build is still viable. You just have to learn to play. But if you don’t have the gear, you can’t just run through the dungeons that easily. That’s what people complain about. Tbh 0.25 was too much, but 0.10 is just a joke (from a low level point of view, undergeared).

Which build are u referring to exactly?

deathtrap is still the best spec for rogue endgame.

Both builds are bad even down to the stat choices on gearing (you want to go for % armor not % damage reduction from poisoned). Melee rogue is very weak at 75+ tier dungeons and neither of his builds are that viable for them unless you want to wait on death trap cd per engage.

You want to run a very tanky/cc oriented poison trap/poison imbue build. His paragon boards are good for this build but everything besides that is rather questionable. The only maxrollgg builds you can really trust are dioxe’s ranged builds.

no deathtrap is not good late game at all in any aspect.

its bad in pvp i roll them while barely paying attension.

it is bad against lilith because you do barely any actual damage relative to poison trap/imbue.

it is bad in high tier 75+ dungeons because it has no good healing or defense to the extent that you will barely be able to reset death traps cooldown because you dont live well enough to actually engage in melee range without it up.