Masterworking tab

OK, so today I am working on my 2nd 100. when sudddenly as i was using the blacksmith i saw my wasterworking tab was greyed out. cant use it at all. I tried logging and even closed the game and reopened it.
investagating further I found that if anyone joins my grp where I am the lead … there masterworking tab will also be disabled.
But, when I am in a grp and I am not lead and as long as the lead doesnt have the same issue i am having … I can use the masterworking tab while in a grp i am not leading.
this happened around 3pm central … also I got on my bard to see if this was on all my characters but so far it is not my barb can still use the masterworking tab.


I am also having this same problem as well. I noticed this problem after I started my second character and went back to my first one to finish up the master working. The second character is fine but the earlier character cant access the masterworking tab.