Masterworking Failed!

It isn’t fun but we’re in the age of online gambling. The devs need a way to keep players logged in for metrics and players are easily fooled into the gambling mechanics.


Just enter thinking of spending the entire expected value of mats and ignore the ‘failures’. Just keep clicking until done. Just a matter of perspective.

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Thank you! I haven’t been able to test yet and had no idea that was in there. I appreciate you sharing.

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Nobody says we don’t want to go through obstacles. Hell, increase the crafting costs by 20x. I’ll take that anytime over this stupid fail chance nonsense.

And that question is there anyways. If the 4/12, 8/12 and 12/12 don’t hit your desired affix, guess what? You ask yourself, “try again” or “leave it”?
The fail chance system is just unnecessary garbage they put ontop to copy Lost Ark or whatever.


Nobody says Master Crafting should be easy. You are confusing hard with frustrating. It shouldn’t be frustrating that is all. Just increase the crafting cost and get rid of the fail chance → easy fix for unnecessary player frustration and rage quits.


This is like the Uber Unique farming process…very long and complicated but get nothing…I’m sure the person who designed all those plans was the same guy.

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They could easily make it so you just keep clicking without the need to question your life choices while you are doing it, i.e. increase the crafting costs and get rid of the ridiculous fail chance system.

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Have 0 problem with “didn´t progress this time”

I don´t like bricking an item… I am aware its part of this type of games… But never was fan of it…

It reminds me of enchanting gear in L2 or corrupting items in PoE

I don´t mind spending thousands of fusing for 6l. But I hate when you corrupt some item and you can trash it after it.

i played a bit on PTR and as far as i understood you don’t need any high level “tempering” for any content except high Pit. So it should not be a problem if you don’t wanna min/max.

Imo when it fails it should delevel the item or destroy it.

Virtually all APRGs are a mix of RNG and deterministic progress, the trick is to find the right balance.

For example, if you just got enough experience to level up a character, and the game said ‘level up failed’, and you had to repeat the level, you’d think that was weird, perhaps frustrating.

On the flip side, without any RNG, there is a clear and fixed path to progress your character, which removes the dopamine moments when a random outcome goes your way (like a great item drops).

Personally, I’m a fan of some RNG, but we have to remember that this is a game, and its supposed to be ‘fun’. I suspect that playing for any significant amount of time, to get no reward, is not ‘fun’.

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Just to make sure there is no confusion since the system is new (and not final)…

Mastercrafting replaces upgrades. The first 4 out of 12 upgrades are gauranteed to upgrade after spending crafting materials. Starting at upgrade 5 it can ‘Fail’ with capital F, games word. If it fails, you just re-roll the dice again. Each time you fail, the chance to succeed goes up by 10%.

Attempting to upgrade from level 8 to 9 starts with I think a 20% chance of success.

There is no way to ‘brick’ an item with mastercraft. You can choose to restart the gambling at any phase.

The key gamble is on the big 25% gains when you finish the 4th, 8th, and 12th upgrades. These gains can also upgrade your tempered affixes.

Tempering can brick an item casuling ‘failure’, small f. It’s what we are using in common English to describe the bricking process. But the game does not literally say anything about a failed temper.

There is currently no way to reset a temper. Maybe there can/should be. This is clearly a divided opinion. If you feel strongly, you should make it known on the feedback forum after trying it out and not in this thread which will likely be ignored because it is not the feedback collection area.


If it’s fast to level and theres no chance to fail tempering or masterworking it becomes easy peasy to gear out over a weekend. And if uniques becomes not as desirable to warrant messing with boss mats what are you going to do for 3 months?

This isn’t quite correct. The BIS gear is GA 3. On the GA 3 gear it will need all 3 of the affixes to be what you want on drop because a reroll will lose the GA. That is the rare item hunt we are looking for. Now if you somehow get that perfect GA 3 item you can still get less than optimal results with tempering. Then you are back on the hunt for another perfect GA3.

Except you shouldnt cap 1 character per season. Players should be allowed multiple characters per season. Its far better for tempering and legendary base to be more random oppose to master working. Master working can be more consistent but acquiring 5/5 BiS stats could take 1000s hrs. Aka easy to slap a workable build (20-50 hrs work at most) at semi competitive content. For 0.01% of player base have the dedication / resources (time) available for ultra end game tiers (pit 200 or higher).

pit 200 was completed within 24hrs of ptr release. dont see it as ultra competitive hardmode. i would say they should either remove the failure option or drastically reduce the required materials.

as it is the cost to masterwork is high. there is also rng already at work as to which affix is improved at lvls 4,8, & 12. the rng to get the bonuses on the correct stats or single stat is already through the roof.

the failure chance could be completely removed and the chances to get bis gear is still difficult and the rng grind there.

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While you’re waiting on the dream item to drop for every slot, you’re not going to stop grinding the pit. The mats are going to start piling up. Its like veiled crystals. You don’t have enough at the season start, but the next thing you know you’re sitting on 1000’s if not 10000’s of vc’s.

Actually leveling instead of boosting I am not having the veiled crysal problem. When I last checked I had over 8000 veiled crystals.

That’s what i’m getting at. failing masterworking on a ga3 item, by the time you get that ga3 you’re probably sitting on enough mats, that its not an issue to try again a few times if needed. I could see people short, if they are just trading for a ga3 and not grinding though.

I agree. Failing something without any work around is lame. John does his job best, finding ways to make good ideas inconvenience the player. Masterworking is a good mechanic, but failing it sucks.

I’ve never seen someone complain about the chance to fail upgrading a legendary gem in D3. Know why? You can take steps in the game to ensure it does not fail by doing harder content. They could easily tie masterworking to a similar type of system. Maybe like your highest completed tier of pit? Or, yknow what? Just add Urshi into D4 and have her do the masterworking after you kill the boss in the Pit.