Marksman crit damage tempers for Barbarians?

I see some build guides suggest to have your rogue use its marksman crit damage bonus temper on and item, and then have barbarian use that item. How does that work? Barbarian’s don’t have marksman skills, so how would this benefit them?

You roll for crit damage

For now you have to level a rogue to get it. But next season everyone will have crit damage and vulnerable damage.

Essentially it works the same as barbarians using vulnerable damage: you level a sorcerer and get the appropriate tempering manual(s) and use the sorcerer to roll the temper on the item, then stash it and have the barbarian take it out and use it.

It can be a pretty hefty gamble though because these temper manuals have five options rather than the “safer” manuals that have three or four options.

It’s one way to get players to “try” other classes, but it’s clunky as hell. Hopefully S5 streamlines things so this kind of nutso wonky setup is a thing of the past.

I have a rogue and I can see temper marksman crit damage on him, but I cant see this option in my barb, am I missing something?

You have to put your barb weapon in your stash and then do the temper on your rogue then send it back to your barb.

Rogues also have vulnerable damage temper which at least saves you leveling 2 different alta.

Yup, just figured that out lol, and I bricked 3/4… dang

Sorcs are easier to farm the manuals on though, in terms of raw speed. For some reason my sorc got her manuals super fast while they barely even trickle in on my rogue. I didn’t even start getting most of them until I started farming Zir for my Scoundrel’s Kiss ring.

Side note: I’m not a fan of that ring. Its playstyle is super janky and doesn’t really belong on rapid fire. It fits more with something that handles grenades, not a straight shooting skill that then becomes an arcing skill that more often than not misses close-in targets.