Make the profane cage permanent feature

As title says. Are you supporting the idea of profane cage remaining permanently in the game? And if not, why?


Yes i like that idea. Further more they add legendary Mind Cages that would double the monster level and double the gold and loot.


For me personally, it’s so much better with it because it allows you collect enough cinders to open all possible chests in one helltide that lasts for 55 minutes. That way you can open everything and not lose cinders until the next helltide.


Yep, agreed. It also makes Helltides feel better in the endgame.

I would like to see something like that too. They already have the unique item icon that we can see in the iron wolves progression boars hehehee.

However, I would like that the legendary ones would modify the monsters and the helltide content itself beyond just raising damage+hp, maybe some special events and monsters types with some crazy affixes could appear.

I think the entire ruleset of Season 4, including the Iron Wolves stuff should be made permanent o the Eternal Realm, and used as a baseline moving forward for all future seasons.

Season 4 has some excellent additions that should be made permanent IMO.


It would be cool if they followed the new end game thing and have a way to upgrade the mind cage.

I’m not sure how they handle people with the mindcage and without. Does the mindcage put you in a separate instance with only other people using it? They may not need to as 10 levels probably doesn’t make a huge difference. I think where it would get tricky is if you were all the way at lvl 180 mobs and someone else was only at 90 how would that balance out. They may have to create sperate instances for high level mind cages and that may be where the technical limitations are.

100% agree

Minus the legendary elixirs, I would keep everything from the Iron Wolves / Helltides this season

Pretty sure it only increases the damage you take from the Helltide monsters, and reduces your damage output against them.

So someone else in the same instance without it active takes less damage from Helltide monsters and deals more damage to them.

When I activate mine with people around, they don’t disappear and we’re still fighting the same monsters.

So if they allowed scaling with the Mindcage, it would only affect you, not everyone else. Everyone takes their own damage based on their own levels and their own mindcage activations.

Brains should stack all the way up to 200 for all overworld to lt us choose our difficulty and up the rewards like say better GA chance after lvl 150 or something, more cinders etc.

Yea which was my question. If you’re not using the mindcage you should be able to one shot everything. So it would be easy to cheat the system. Just have someone one shot all the lvl 200 mobs for you. Or even if you’re not cheating the system you could be in the middle of a fight and bam someone comes and one shots it and ruins the fun.

I think they’ll probably introduce it eventually but there may be some technical and other considerations that could slow it down.

Yeah, playing with the mindcage and without it, the mindcage is significantly better at ramping up the monster aggro leading to better rates of embers.

For me, I think they should have several levels of mindcages, maybe up to or exceeding +50 levels. It seems like we should be able to ramp it up to at least NM dungeon levels.

Using the mindcage, in my experience, has been a much more enjoyable experience, and is honestly a big deal to at the very least add it to the eternal realm.

YES! I always thought it was - it is not an elixir after all.

I’m confident this will return but honestly the 10 extra levels, apart from the cinder droprate, isn’t even noticeable for a decently geared character. The enemies get obliterated whether they’re level 103 or 113… I’d like to see it iterated on and improved.

Just make helltides for lvl 100 chars that hard always imo, shoot can even make helltides permanently maxed out on the bar, was soooo much more fun when we could use the glitch

To spice it up a bit, how about +X lvls, and all enemies get a modifier based on the type of mindcage used. Maybe 10 different ones exists. And you are only added to a shard with other people using the same version.


How about no other people instead? One feels mighty cucked when one finds out just about everyone on sanctuary drank mommas blood and other fluids. It stings right in the feeler, ya know!

Now that would be lovely.
I sadly don’t expect it.

Just make them stackable imo. We already get way too many of them and that way we can customize the difficulty ourselves.

I do want it! But a measly +10 levels is not good enough. Make it 100+ or better a variable rate, like +10, +50, +100. whatever… something to make it a bit harder for those that has the best gear and are bored with one-shotting the whole game all the time and maybe wants a bit more risk/challenge to their character again.

would love them to make this permanent. also would be nice to either stack them to a certain amount or upgrade their power. id personally like to see them be able to be stacked up to 5 times. that would make the helltide mobs equal to t100 nmd mobs. that would be so much fun. ofcourse that hellborne coming out at lvl 152 would be pretty intense