Make mobs a ton harder to kill please

With Diablo IV i was already pleased that the game was harder to play than Diablo 3 but still it’s ridiculous to me that players still can oneshot uberbosses. Take an example of Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction where we actually had to struggle to survive and kill monsters, now that makes a game really worthy to play.

What version of D2 exists that you couldn’t one shot a boss? I still play it, and you can wreck the uber bosses, as fast as we wreck none torment duriel in D4.

Inflating enemy health pools = artificial difficulty, which is something nobody reasonably wants. It’s not fun or enjoyable for most people to have to put in effort to kill every little fallen that comes there way; that’s why trash mobs become fodder in basically every ARPG, and it’s been that way since the old days of D2, pre-LoD. Remember Cow runs, Chaos runs, Trav runs, etc? One or two players 1-shotting anything that moved, bosses included, while everyone else struggled to change to the new room quick enough. Wow, so fun, much engagement, very excite.

If you want to have more personal “immersion” and have to work to beat basic mobs, roll the game SSF, with only white gear, no tempering, on hardcore. There ya go, you now have your “worthy to play” game.

I think that with this patch and current content they did make some changes and additions for those who think the game is too easy. Try running the pit at high levels and see if that makes you happy.

More HP for monsters isnt truly needed.
Just nerf the characters. A lot.