[Main Thread] Playstation - Unable to find Valid License / Too many Requests - June 2023

So there is no solution, the only solution is to buy the game again with the good battlenet account already linked?


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Good News,
It looks like we should be able to play, however we have lost all progress on the previous character. I am now concerned about the status of my Deluxe Edition/Pre-order bonuses. If they have been tied to the wrong account and lost then Blizzard will be catching hell from a lot of people.

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Game works, 4 days waiting, i wanna 30 euros back, i bought ultimate edition.

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Has anyone with the 315306 error been able to log in since global launch is live?

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Lost all previous progess though.

Just had it happen to me.

and apparently blizzard doesnt think I have a D4 key when bought game…

blizzard ffs you have had how long to deal with this issue?

Yo he entrado sin problema ahora y me daba los 4 días código 315306 licencia no valida

Thats both a relief and bad news to hear. Im sorry for your loss, good sir.

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Same here; unable to find valid license. (For PC)

PC here, I bought the game, and it says I don’t have a "valid license for Diablo IV. WTF Blizzard, I’ve been waiting to play.

Edit: took three attempts, but finally got in.

Yep! I’m going to try again in an hour and see what happens.

Finally get to go online

does game share work now too

I can finally login. But now all my stuff is gone. Character and purchases. Well played… well played

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nothing has changed, still a license error. bought a currency, which didn’t help either… even the release couldn’t fix the bug

Just started working for me but lost everything I did on Saturday before Blizzard couldn’t find my license anymore… Great job guys… You should think about firing a few incompetent people…

So now that many of us are noticing what many predicted…how do we get our deluxe rewards, any platinum we bought, are characters, etc. but on the proper account? It’s like everything I did doesn’t exist.

I’m in the same exact position. Losing my characters sucks, but I wouldn’t really care if I didn’t also lose my beta pack and ultimate bonuses.


I can play now, hope the rest of you can as well and for the ones who pre ordered get a compensation.