[Main Thread] Greyscreen/stuck on logo at launch - Server Slam May 2023

Hey all,

This was from way back in the server slam, and there aren’t any known issues at the moment that cause this. That all said, there are a ton of reasons why this might happen, unfortunately, and we wouldn’t be able to troubleshoot all of these in one thread.

My best advice to you all if this is happening is to check the troubleshooting for your error on this thread:

If it doesn’t help, you’d want to follow the instructions at the bottom of the post to submit a ticket or create a thread of your own. (Note that because of how busy the forums are currently, you are more likely to receive a reply to a ticket than an individual thread.)

Since this thread predates the live version of the game by a large margin and this isn’t related to any known bugs or anything, going to lock this one up.