Experiencing micro stuttering as described here and massive framerate drops monitored by nvidia performance overlay Ctrl+R (extended monitoring).
Stuttering happens when moving in cities with no NPC interaction and obviously no fights. The lastest patch of 06.06. did not resolve this.
Framedrops can be massive going down from 120 fps to 5 and then are not stable as well, observed in the monitored FPS percentiles.
After trying a lot of remediations I might have found one that is quite satisfying, albeit not offering a full remediation.
@kershew hope this is helpful and could be validated by others:
- reset UEFI to defaults (have your bitlocker recovery key at hand)
- do not restore any profiles
- restore settings such as secure boot / CSM / TPM etc as needed to comply with Windows 11
- enable XMP if required
- if you had no success with the hint to disable Microsoft Device Association Root Enumerator, enable it (default) in the device manager
- use DLSS if possible
- limit game FPS to 75 (it might be hard for some to accept), but G-Sync will heal your wounds.
Ultimately this reduced the stuttering and the instability of framerates. Not saying this is resolving the issue but it does reduce it by lengths. It was even able to reduce my 3080TI temp target to 75 degrees without sacrificing performance enjoying quite stable 71-75 fps now at maxed out with HDR at 4k.
The 75-fps cap is a random value valid for my system, it might be different for yours. higher fps caps set, the issue was much worse, tried 144, 120, 100, 90.
reducing shadow quality, using DLSS in different favours or disabling DLSS / DLAA didn’t help.