Main quest tab is greyed out?

Any one know the reason why? Really want to do the campaign because I’m new to Diablo but my character on the seasonal server after a couple of story quest, the tab just is gray. No clue how to continue it. Thank you!

If it’s greyed out can you see what it says at least? Or do you remember the last quest you did?

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Can’t see anything but I was in a big place that seemed like a church with big red carpets it was after I reached the big town after the intro to the game. Sorry I’m so new I have no clue how to describe it lol

Wait, so did you go through the initial part of meeting villagers, them putting something in your drink, and you waking up in a barn? It sounds like you’re in Kyovashad though, the main town you’ll come to after the initial prologue so to speak.

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Yes I did. Even passed where you enscribe a work on the wood before you put it in the fire. Then the companion guy leaves you at the stables

Ok, so you must have talked to Prava in the church. Talking to her again should give you the quest ‘Ill Tidings’ which then leads to the next quest ‘Tarnished Luster’ and that should send you to another small town Southeast of Kyovashad.

Running through a quick run just to verify. You enter Kyovashad, talk to Lorath at the stables, he sends you over to the merchant near the blacksmith. You have to purchase an item from the Merchant after talking to them. Return that item to Lorath, he runs off. You then get 3 new quests.

Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith - Ill Tidings (lv. 5)

Act 2: The Knife Twists Again - An Unforeseen Visit (Lv. 10)

Act 3: The Making of Monsters - The Spreading Darkness (Lv. 15)

You can technically do them in any order you want, that’s up to you. Would suggest going in order though.

If you decide to complete the first Act 1 quest, you’ll go to the Cathedral and meet Prava. After a small in-game scene, you talk to her to get yet another scene. Click on an item behind her, and this pops up the next quest to travel to another small town.

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Sorry I am at work but after I will run back to the town and see if I can run in the chapel and see what’s up! I’ll let you know when I get home from work!

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