Lvl 50 Required for World 3 and 70 for World 4. This is not on patch note!

SOoooooo stupid… if this is the case, why add the boost exp cap in this patch then? they even gave example on the patch note…

so this is a joke?

  • Prior to Season of the Malignant, you get:
  • (Level 100 Monster XP) * (1 + 25%)
  • After Season of the Malignant, you get:
    • (Level 11 Monster XP) * (1 + 15%)

Official discord created by fans? :clown_face::clown_face:

How does the capstone dungeon slow down leveling? That’s what the level cap is for. The dungeon serves literally no purpose.

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Thats stupid. I beat the WT 2 to 3 Capstone soon as I beat the story around LV 47 as a Barb.

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Correct now it should be impossible for a new toon to ever fight a level 100 monster. Yet they gave this example

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they lowered the monster levels at the end of a world tier (and you actually want higher level monsters for best speed).
so, slower leveling because now you’re forced to wait for level 50/70.

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What does that have to do with the capstone dungeon?

Only when you are in a group to avoid boosting.

You can do it solo.

I’m sure they don’t want people selling power-level.

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Literally trying to kill this game. Blizzard is dumb af


how is that so difficult to understand?

You keep talking about things that have nothing to do with the existence or purpose of the capstone dungeon.

I get why they added a level cap, chief. But the level cap renders the capstone dungeon totally pointless from a gameplay perspective. Getting through the WT3 capstone at level 50 is not challenging and it rewards nothing of value.


i’m not denying that. it weakens them a lot.

the overall goal is just to forbid you to skip anything, perhaps by playing well or having friends helping you. now everyone levels predictably slow.

how did this not make it into patch notes written like a month and a half after teh build was locked?

also, just rofl, blizzard hates everything about going fast or having fun by the looks of this patch

So bad :"( why do this now?

If I have to wait till 70 to do WT4 then I’m done playing this game. Gearing is over by level 80 anyway.


Reading is hard man!

Are you kidding me? I was lvl 55 sloging in WT3 and there was literaly zero exp dont tell me I will be sloging to 70. It would take insanity amount of hours. Even BDO grind looks like blast in comparison.

How to kill the game in one patch. Lol but its not funny.


I completed the 70 capstone twice, solo, on my barb at 56 tonight. If this is true, it’s very irritating…:unamused::man_facepalming:

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Uh, it doesn’t “weaken” the capstone dungeons, it renders them completely irrelevant. The purpose of the capstone is presumably to gate the higher difficulty, but now that is taken care of solely by the hard level requirement. There is no reason for the capstone dungeon to exist.


I’m very confident that a lot of people, especially those who played from release, already have have a main and are now investing time into alts. Why would you be happy to repeat content to make more builds of the same class?

Diablo 4 team states that they want you to straight up make a new character if you wanted to change build, and now they make it more of a pain in the butt to do so

This condition of the capstones right now is directly aggravating to players that are playing the way Diablo 4 dev team wants them to. Why make this process more objectively awful?