Lv85 S1 Character cannot find the following stats on gear

Cannot find any Wand with Critical Strike Damage and Vulnerable Damage on it at the same time. If one stat is on the item the other will not show up. It seems to be that this has be removed from the game.

Cannot Find any Ring with +Mana, Critical Strike Damage, and Vulnerable Damage. If one of them rolls the other 2 will not show up. Seems like it was removed from the game.

Pre-season I had no problems with finding them at all and now I have not seen one ever.

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Except they haven’t, you’ve just gotten extremely unlucky.

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Really? I have been unluckily in 1000’s of drops? At my job that is not called luck. It’s called a bug.

Yup, I’ve found all three show up in my rings and weapons (minus mana, as I don’t play Sorc).

So there goes your theory.

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Shut up Nerd. I dont care what YOU have found or not.

Don’t listen to that idiot, the devs have already said they nerfed the drop rate on a bunch of the good attribute stats on gear. Another way to make the game less fun and keep you grinding longer cause they have no other engaging content in game

My seasonal character has crit chance/crit damage/vuln/lucky hit.
It took me thousands of wands, but they are out there.
Remember there are like 200+ affixes possible, so the odds of getting one with even 3 of the 4 is like 1 in 8 million, then you have to try to reroll the 4th.
Getting 4 affixes is 1 in 1.6 billion.

They haven’t been removed, but I have found, that I see them waaaaay less often now.

I actually wrote “crit and vuln” and did not talk about a 3/4 or 4/4 wand.

That is to say not a single wand has dropped with crit+vuln on it. That would allow me to roll a 3rd stat and play with a middling wand until the 3/4-4/4 drop. You know, JUST LIKE IT DID IN PRE-SEASON, AT LEVEL 60ish, AND THE 3/4 AND 4/4 SHORTLY AFTER THAT.

I have gone through 1000’s of wands too. If they do drop they might as well not exist because the drop rate is so low as to be absurd.

But thanks for playing the “I didn’t read it and/or can’t read” On the forums game. Your prize is a bag of hammers. Go hit yourself upside the head. It could only improve your intellect.