Lunar Shrines?!?!?!

What are the ?"{KJ)Y^&$# Lunar Shrines and how the hell do I find them??? My score for that has been 0/510 for the last hour.

I was short on Obducite. Ran NMDs to resupply. Found one sometimes two Shrines in each dungeon. Already finished the event. Took me less than 3h.

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There’s 2-3 shrines in all the witch areas.

They just failed another event, nothing new man. It is what it is. Someone will say: " it’s free, be thankful ".
Sadge on so many levels.

Nm dungeons, rot dungeons and seasonal areas.

I finished mine in under 2 hours.

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boosting exp over 1700%, too bad no countdown to check the given 2 minutes effective time.

Are these ominous shrinez also available at my home the pit? …aaaand if yes… why not? :see_no_evil:

Since the shrines give a 100% xp boost for such a small window.
I’m collecting whisper caches until I have a full inventory of them and then I’m gonna open them all once I pop a lunar shrine just out of curiosity.

Go to the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon in kyovashad, the dungeon is so small and condensed, just fly through ignoring mobs until you find a shrine and then blast everything :+1: exit, reset, and repeat

I finished the event in an hour lol

The scarcity of these Lunar Shrines is nothing new…remember the first Lunar Event they held? Same problem.

I finished mine within the time it took my Elixirs (X2) to expire. I just went to all areas I remember where Events are held, they almost always had Shrines in them. Just FYI.