LTT apology Video , Maybe we need a D4 Dev apology Video?

I dunno what you think?

Just watch the South Park one, it suffices.


A bunches of video where some of you apologize to the developers? Yeah that would be nice and appropriate, but it will never happen.


Apologize to the devs? :joy: you’re joking right? They released a game even they knew wasn’t ready and probably never will be because the code is all screwed up and nobody knows WTH is going on.




Ya that one!

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They will never apologize cause they dont understand that they are doing anything wrong. And im talking about devs not players.

They could start with apologizing for: last video, last video 2nd time, bugs, exploits, lack of content, being disconected from playerbase, pretending they are listening, balance changes noone wanted, stash, gems, ubers drop rate, how sorc and barbs works (or worked dunno I dont play anymore), for renown grind and for overall failure of a Jackpot which was a diablo game.

You can keep on wishing

LOL an apology?
And what exactly would that accomplish? Nothing.
Forced apologies are never sincere.

I want them to stop apologizing and start making a good game

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Reading this thread makes me want to apologize to this thread.

That would mean Blizzard takes responsibility. That will never happen.

I don’t want an apology. I want them to come out with a video that shows the top 10 user concerns and the devs need to address those concerns with a timeline on when the devs will be able to fix each item.

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