Looting on console


The new season looks great so far!

However, players using controllers (or a Steam Deck) are having trouble picking up loot. When multiple items drop on top of each other, it becomes difficult to cycle through them and pick up what we actually want. This issue is especially noticeable with loot piñatas, such as the new zone bosses, pit bosses, world bosses, and Helltide bosses.

Right now, we often have to pick up five unwanted items just to get to the sixth one—the loot we actually want (usually with a Greater Affix).

Please consider adding a way to cycle through loot when standing over it, perhaps using the right stick, so we can select the specific item we want to pick up.

There have been plenty of posts about this issue since the Diablo 4 beta, and it still persists.



Yeah, major pain point for me also, but it doesn’t look like it’s high on the priority list for Blizzard.

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I don’t want to cycle through crap on the ground to pick up one thing that probably sucks. I want an auto-salvage filter.


Do not drop 750 items in T4. Let the Pet pick up boss mats and rune s. Thats a huge improvment from my perspektive. Thank you blizzard.


Having 750 item level loot not dropping in T4 would fix this issue, as other said above.

If not, it’s a big quality of life to cycle through loot as mentioned in the first post.


could be so easy with controller right stick

click right stick = focus on item collection until movement
steer right stick.-…focus a special monster to attack…

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System should be that the higher quality items (Mythics first, then GA 1, 2, 3 & 4), the priority in which item is automatically highlighted.

For me, when there’s a group of items overlapping each other, it’s defaults to the GA or mythic items.

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such fine points. make it happen blizz let’s go

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100% –

1 - Controllers (on console and PC) should always prioritize Ancestrals FIRST before any other drops in pickup radius. This alone would be a huge quality of life improvement.

2 - T4 should not drop 750s. Omg, please, yes. It would make the gameplay sooooooo much more enjoyable. Maybe the one exception to this can be if it’ll be an upgrade to the codex or new transmog, they still have to be taken to the blacksmith to manually break down in order to learn them?

3 - An alternate iteration of this would be to add a magical Pet Cosmetic/Item that not only let you dress your Good Boy or Girl up in style, but let them auto-salvage gear with a customizable UI that functioned as a minimalist loot filter. For example, you could toggle it to auto-salvage (in any difficulty, not just T4) all non-ancestrals except for amulets and unique chest armor.

But overall, any and/or all of these changes would massively help with the flow of the game.

Valid ideas guys, thanks! Looting priority on Ancestrals sounds like an easy thing to implement and it would improve our quality of life so much.

Ideals like autosalvaging non-GA items on max difficulty is a great idea too, but that would have implications on how developers would want the game to be.

You can’t target ANY loot drops on console. Pick up the pile and then drop what you didn’t want.

In my experience my controller automatically targets uniques and then Ancestral. Sometimes it doesn’t but 8/10 times it does.

Something is bugged with my Necro? I have been finding the same exact drops with the same stats and multiple of them at once. Over and over and over and over and over since i Started. Why am I getting the exact same crap? I’ve mixed it up in every way possible and nothing worth a damn drops!? I’m becoming burnt out due to this issue. I played the original Diablo back in the day and this is BS so far. Seriously!? Someone help me figure this out?

Nice! I wonder if there’s actually a setting for that.

If you’re bossing at a high level it’ll all be uniques so sadly it won’t work for you. And, when I speed ran the pit it worked for me because there would usually only be one unique and, then into looting Ancestral. And leave all the Legendary on the ground lol.

I believe there needs to be a way to cycle through the items that are on the ground. Maybe for Season 8 though if we’re making T4 aspirational content only, make it so ONLY GA items drop, even if you decrease the amount.