Looks like the Devs learned nothing from Diablo 3's failure

Because success has many factors that dont relate to quality.

The success of all diablo games come from the first and second game. Most people who buy it are looking for a true successor to D2. and never get it.


A) not really relevant to “success of the game” when we’re comparing free to play or titles they already bought 20 years ago to a 70 or 90$ game, you’d need probably a 100 free to play players for every 1 player in D4 for it to be even

B) The ratio is literally the reverse - tens of millions bought and presumably play D4. 20,000 people play PoE. Lol.

Sounds like PoE needs to buy a more successful IP then, if you think IP alone is why D3 sold 30 million units, the majority of which were sold long after its initial PC release when it released on console with Reaper of Souls.


That’s like saying shadowlands was the best expansion that wow ever had and we all know that isn’t true, hype can push sales that doesn’t make a game good, feedback is how that’s determined and is very mixed for D4 atm

Well according to this guy’s theory its mathematically impossible that Dragonflight bombed because Wrath of the Lich King was insanely popular and nostalgia alone carries an entire franchise for two decades.

D2 alone, pure and simple, is why D4 is successful and therefore there’s no way Dragonflight could be doing anything less than gangbusters. Especially since Wrath of the Lich King is vastly more popular than D2.

You are still not approaching it logically.

We need to see data of concurrent player counts over periods of time. Then, you can analyze trends and see things like declining player population, or a stable player base.

You are also forgetting, regardless, that D4 was just released 1 month ago. It is still in the honeymoon phase for people that bought it.

Also, the concept of F2P vs purchased is a bad metric too. That problem lies on the decisions management made in development and marketing.

Do you realize that PoE was created by an indie startup company, and that ActiBlizz has a $60+ billion warchest to aggressively market their games? They are also riding on the success of the title Diablo from 20 years ago that was created by a completely different group of people.


It’s worse than D3 because for some unfathomable reason they omit the tooltip window when mousing over the damn loot. You can’t even see what stats it has until it’s in your inventory. They not only failed to learn, they actually forgot some s**t.


PoE was marketed as a spiritual successor to Diablo. Shouldn’t that word of mouth accomplish something? If D2 is so good, then saying your game is like D2 should cause your game to do well, right?


Yeah, that makes it even worse for PoE. There’s no barrier to entry to play PoE and people still don’t play it.

Threads like these will always bring in the D3 fanboys who say that D3 wasn’t a failure based on copies sold, with no mention of how D2’s reputation & prior hype was what sold the game, and no mention of how they sucked the depth and soul out of the game to make it accessible to console players & children.


D3 did amazingly well on console. To the point where D4 is heavily “consolified” because that market spoke with their wallets. Blizzard launched D4 on console day 1, with integrated cross-play. You’re deluded if you think D3 is considered a failure for Blizzard on that front.

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Financial success, critical failure.

Does it really matter? Nope. They want money, and they succeeded in that. Let the whiny chumps cry themselves to sleep, I know I do.

Equating financial success with a quality game is how we got here in the first place. Easy to make sales when you aim for the lowest common denominator, but you aren’t really creating a legacy as a game studio the way old Blizzard did game after game (SC:BW, WC3, D2 etc.).

Point being, their motto of “gameplay first” used to actually mean something.


The mental gymnastics you go through must be tiring. You need to read better.

PoE had essentially $0 marketing budget. I never even heard of the game until a year ago on D3 forums. Maybe you don’t realize how small the ARPG player base is. It’s a niche genre. I’d say PoE is quite successful. The company was bought by Tencent a few years ago - so it’ll be interesting to see what they do with their next release.

It has an active player base and a dedicated following. But, you are still underestimating the power of marketing and using the title Diablo.

I do not appreciate this condescending way of talking that you have; it seems like you assume I’m some PoE loyalist or D2 diehard. I’m neither of those things. I just cast an objective eye and view on what is actually going on.

I’m seriously doubting your reading comprehension at this point because you just want to be right.


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You are wrong. It was so successful they just decided it made enough money and canceled the expansion instead.

D3 did about 2 seasons (6 months) worth of updates, then focused on the expansion for 1.5 years and let the game stagnate. By that time most people left and didn’t come back.

Arguing over definitions of ‘success’ and ‘failure’ or whatever aside…

The OP comments that struck me was “D2 is a slot machine, D4 is a spreadsheet”.

Yeah. That’s how it feels. I honestly can’t remember D2 well, but I don’t remember the endless scanning, comparing and recycling of gear that is 99% of gameplay in D4.

I’m also using spreadsheets to work out how to get all the aspects I want applied to all the gear.

And the UI to actually manage gear/upgrades/aspects/paragons is horrible QoL-wise.

A lot of the game feels like frustration/work, basically.

You seem to not understand how this works. It’s called proof by contradiction. I break your argument by taking it to its conclusion and showing that conclusion doesn’t make sense or contradicts reality. I’m not doing gymnastics to prove my point, I’m showing that even if you go through mental gymnastics YOUR point doesn’t work.

Go back to the drawing board and try again. This “Diablo 4 only did well because of Diablo 2 nostalgia” doesn’t hold up logically and you know it.

If the name is worth that much for the Diablo franchise, why doesn’t GGG just do a bit of light copyright infringement? Call their game “The Devil”, that should do it, right? I mean it isn’t as if their Act I-IV structure wasn’t a direct rip-off, it wasn’t as if they didn’t heavily advertise their kickstarter as such. It’s been ten years, they’ve had plenty of time to copycat the Diablo IP.

You know that’s not it. Diablo does have marketing power but the name Diablo wouldn’t still have weight if Diablo 3 wasn’t considered something of a good game in its final days.

Can you point to where that was said?

You are running out of gas my dude. Do you really think “The Devil” is a good title for a game? :man_facepalming:

To my blocklist you go with the other gas lighters.


Because for most players, the majority of the gear went straight into the trash bin. You really only cared about unique or set items, regardless of what the forum personalities here who tell you how spell blue or yellow items are would lead you to believe.

In fact, D4’s development kind of got jebaited by vocal D2 Andies. Nobody actually wanted “every piece of loot to potentially be useful”. Very few people actually enjoy swimming through hundreds and hundreds of rares to find an upgrade.

It’s not a big deal at the end of the day, they can just make uniques much better and it sorts itself out. We’ve seen D3 get a Loot 2.0, D4 doesn’t need a Loot 2.0 but a Loot 1.1 or maybe 1.5 would do a lot for that aspect.


I’ll take this as an admission you realized you were wrong and you want to save face. You could have blocked me without saying anything but I thank you for essentially openly admitting you know you were wrong.

I wouldn’t think so.

Google this: “Blizzard Management Thought Diablo 3 Was a Giant”

Those are old figures from August 2015. Upwards of 65 million copies as of 2022!

Diablo 3 was a smash success

D3 “failed” for what, 10 years? That’s the same energy as the people I’ve seen talking about the downfall of capitalism. “Just wait for it man, it’s right around the corner, trust me bro it’s definitely happening, pls bro just listen, the rev is happening bro, trust me”

Philosophically I’m an anarchist but pragmatically? Imma buy that cheeseburger because I’m hungry, and it’s delicious. If the rev happens tomorrow then egg on my face I guess, but at least I ain’t hungry TODAY.

I’d also like to take a moment to point out there were MASSIVE arguments on the D3 forums over “inventory tetris” and how it made “meaningful choices” about what to pick up, and that D4 was going to fail miserably because it was going the D3 route with all items taking up the same inventory space.

Now we get topics like this one here, complaining about having to “stop every 20 to 30 minutes.”

One thing that COULD actually help? If they put in an item filter. At a certain point you really just start vendoring everything that isn’t unique, legendary, or ancestral yellow. And even of those, most of them get smashed for mats.