Lilith's Echo in the pit = death

Lilith’s echo in the pit is guaranteed to kill, there is no way to escape from her screed : (Only the bossfight reaches the stage with her - you die 100% Fix it :frowning: And do that with incineration against pit bosses, there are no problems with clearing the pit, but incineration is useless against pit bosses :frowning:

what are you talking about? lilith shadow boss in pit is easy

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Where is it Easy? If you don’t use teleportation or defensive skills to increase damage by 80%, then there is no way to escape from Lilith, you can’t even move away from her tightening wind :frowning: Kills immediately :frowning:

you have to use an ability to make you unstoppable. being unstoppable she wont even pull you in to center, but if you use it after she pulls you in you arent slowed and can get out before the damage

You have to stupidly skip the pit if it occurs at the boss :frowning: And all the efforts are down the drain :frowning:

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I don’t even move for them anymore. On my barb and they are super easy to dodge on my more squishy rogue.

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so ur bad at the game? got it


The lilith shadow bosses have to be removed entirely.
Not fun at all.
It’s like having to deal with 2 bosses at the same time.

Dude Walmart Lilith doesnt do any damage… Calm down. It’s a problem with your glass cannon style. Give some of it up, ull be fine


Everything is fine with the game, I can’t collect super builds because… I don’t have that much time to farm, but more or less I’m going through 60-70 pits so far, the only problem is with this Lilith pulling towards the center of the arena with the boss. The Necromancer didn’t stumble over it, but the character there is much better suited for bosses.

Kiddo, use game mechanics. You’ve got moves on every build to make you take less damage, or be unstoppable, or evade, or teleport, or any number of things.

You can’t say a boss is “bad” and needs removed when you’re refusing to do anything but poke one button and blame your endless failures on someone else.

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I get away from her just fine. I just go to outside edge. If I do get pulled in then a double evade gets me out.

You need boots with +3 evade on them.

“Just get 100k hp, bro!”

You die 100%. 0% Death to rest of us.