Lilith Shadow Pitboss is a death sentence

Those HUGE AOE swipe with little to no reaction time. :slight_smile:

How do you guys manage to evade it in like within 1sec. well sorc can obviously cast fire barrier. Or any skills that gives you invulnerability.


As a necro, I’m with something like 75% blood mist uptime, can’t tell for other classes.
If you can’t rely on invul, try to increase your movement speed to quickly reach a safe spot.

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the same way like you dodge her in the uber lilith fight.

Usually I employ one of three options, depending on how far away she is on spawn, what else is going down at the time and what is available.

Option 1, circle strafe behind her and after the 3rd swipe run/dodge away from her to avoid the slam. Option 2, run. On the cloned boss in Pit her swipe reach is crazy far for some reason. So if you run make sure to sync your dodges to the swipes by learning the timing. In particular for the 2nd and 3rd swipe. The third option is to pop some type of immunity, obviously.

For waves you can usually just move closer to the arena edge and be safe. For the pull use an unstoppable before it happens or dodge spam your way out of it. All Lilith mechanics are spawned by the big circle popping in the arena center. If it’s not a pull and the boss jumps in the air it’s a wave. If she doesn’t jump it’s a triple cleave+slam.

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How were you able to predict or react fast when that shadow boss shows. Focusing on killing the pitboss then somehow pop in less than a sec either lilith flies then spike or the zero reaction wide swipe…

I am pretty sure someone here on the forums posted that type of attack

Dash is a life saver for the Rogue or you can use Concealment. I prefer Dash.

Each shadow clone have it’s own set of attacks, try to spot them asap to have an idea of what attacks you will face.
There is also a delay between the clone spawn and the attack you have to deal with. Lilith attack (wichever it is) land something like 4-5 second after her spawn.
Then it’s a matter of practice to know how to time your invul.

I also have 50% mvt speed on blood mist, so I usually run far away.

My bet is that if you can’t spot the spawn, it’s because you are too focused on the boss. Shift your focus on shadow clone spawn rather than the boss, when you dodge the clone attack you have a bit of free time for the pit boss.

I see, well you’re right. Pit boss deals far less damage.

movement speed is absolutely important. i think people forget that its one of the most defensive stats you can get.

the best defense one can have is to avoid damage.

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got like 180% mvspeed on my necro and 150% mvspd on my rogue.

Probably the visuals that i need to pay more attention is important.
Hopefully they will make the visual hints more noticeable.

Example: using corpse tendril on necro with 100% effect size increase, overshadows the dark reddish hint of shadow pitboss one shots.

yea but you got this with a bit of practice.

personally the only one i do tend to struggle dodging at times is the one that does these hurricanes. thats for sure a shadowboss i need to pay more attention to.

Today I just saw another death sentence shadow attack. A mage explosion in a large circle which cover around half of the room. And yes, 1 hit kill.

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Ah, that must be the Tul Dulra druid priestess. They have her along w/ Lilith for a threesome at 80+ esp w/ the Sharpshooter boss.


Movement speed helps. There way more than 1 sec to reach them. When Lilith appears there’s a huge read circle on the middle then she’s appears about 2 seconds later. It the. Takes her about another 2 seconds to begin her attacks.

All but one of her attacks can be avoided simply by going to the edge of the area. On small areas where the wind thing sucks you it keep an unstoppable ability available so you can just run out.
The one where she chases you just run to one of the corners and then hook a 90 degree turn. All of her attacks will point into the corner and miss you when you turn. Do that a couple times and wait for the big AOE to end before running back to the bosses.

I typically try to kite the actual pot boss to the edge of the screen when I can so I don’t have to run as far from her. So 3/4 of the time they don’t even come into the equation.