Lilith "mother of mankind"

I never knew that was her title until a few days ago. Have you guys ever met a woman like that? The writers at Blizzard really know their stuff. Pure Evil.

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even without that title, we already can sense the final goal is to slay her when we play along the story.

only a psycho can think of killing our mother is fun and rewarding thus make it into a game to spread the moral decay into millions.

blizz should be more sensitive in their role in social responsibility.


ears bleed …

Yeah, but if you think that’s bad try reading the Lore of the entire franchise.

I actually find it Extremely well written (even if it’s a little convoluted).

Or maybe people should stop being so Sensitive and get a back bone…


If it glows it goes and guess what mommy does, she glows.

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They did try that in D3 with Whimsyshire.

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i mean, i don’t think the character himself considered that fun and rewarding and thus nor the story either.

It’s just that , if one of your parents is Hitl** or someone that is trying to make a genocide well…it might have to be done , “for the greater good”

also, she’s more like a very old descendant rather than a mother to human in this world, no human knew about her until the invasion. (unless they were scholars i guess)

I don’t get it. What are you on about?

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Lilith “mother of mankind”

“she’s definitely a first mother, not the only mother.” - Blizzcon 2019, Sean Copeland, head historian for Blizzard’s story and franchise development group.

Even with lore, they show zero creativity. I constantly hear something about “hatred”. Maybe something else? XD

Was Rathma their first child? Making him really old. But it would make sense lore wise that necromancers don’t die for a while.

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Where we ventured into a place of pure good and slaughtered everything moving for the sake of loot, leaving behind puddles of blood? I love that place…

if i meet Adam and Eve, i still call them Father, Mother, no matter what age they are.

It’s more like having your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great,great, great, great, great grandmother come back from imprisonment and turns everyone into a crazed demonic sin cult.

So yeah, you’re a bit off base mate lol.

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that was our Papa Inarius wanna nuke the sanctuary in order to please the heaven so that will accept him back, whereby our Mama just wanna save us all.

You can do whatever you want with imaginary characters!

i mean i know a friend called Eve if you want… :thinking:

but that being said, once again, lilith is an ancestor , not a mother.
the orignal ancestor , sure
but even in that context i would never consider her , “my mother” even if i lived there.

She might be less wrong than inarius in some aspects, but she is still quite wrong though, i mean she is the one that unleashed hell on sanctuary this time around…so…it’s normal to fight back i mean…

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