Lilith - Halsey

Halsey cosplaying as Lilith? YES PLS


I really like this mix. She originally had a Lillith song so it’s pretty cool she did this

but we can’t drop the F bomb on the forums.

It’s extremely well done, but I don’t really like the song.

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I hope this is on Apple Music, lol. :sunglasses:

Lilith… :sob: :rose:

Yeah I did notice that. However, the rules for Blizzard and for music are for produced content that gets reviewed and rated.

For us players we are held to a totally different standard for our content - that does not get reviewed and rated. We create it real time and have to follow Blizzard’s family friendly game policies for all games and forums.

I am sure the music release has rating labels on it too. I still remember the huge panic and them slapping warnings on every CD stores sold.

I guess you could say it’s a musically, artistic F-Bomb while you cant say the same for the F-Bombs here on the forums.

A recorded lyric in a song vs slinging derogatory language towards people because you can’t downvote them.

I see no problem here.

In my honest opinion the music doesn’t make me think d4 at all and this girl drops f bombs like a kid that just discovered the word and thinks it makes her look cool lol…Plus k pop stars rapping…Ugh. Count me out. It’s cringey. Give me some medieval metal core and we’ll talk. Something in the vein of Caladan Brood would fit the theme nicely.

The shear number of times strikes me as low brow and not very artistic. Kinda like the singer version of a shock jock.

I know I sound like some sort of prude, but I’m definitely not…and the forum comment was more joke than anything else.

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Count me out, cringe.

No sir I didn’t like it.