Life per 5 seconds and Lucky Hit to restore life?

These changes feel like a big case of fixing problems that didn’t exist. Both of these changes have taken these affixes from usable in certain situations(but RARELY used), to being useless. I thought the idea was to clean up affixes and make them more usable?

A lot of the changes in the past few seasons and in 2.0 PTR have been bringing back aspects of Diablo 3, and most of them are welcome changes.

So why bring back “Life on hit”, then change it completely and make it almost useless? So now, where “life on hit” would be nice for certain situations, this will likely just become a salvage affix, or reroll if lucky.

Why take “life per second”, which was probably one of the least sought after affixes to see on gear in D4, and make it significantly worse? “Life per second” already had VERY LIMITED use cases, so this change will likely make it a trash affix. Think of things like Tyrael’s Might, where some players may have used “life per second” to stay HP capped, they will now have to use potions because they lost 10HP and Tyrael’s isn’t procing anymore, and because “life per 5” would result in a significant loss of dps, it’s trash.

These changes make about as much sense as introducing item bricking with Tempering and roll limits(the worst feeling part of Diablo 4).

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Wait. They actually changed the affixes to that? I seen it in another post before but when I read it then, I thought it was just someone with English as a second language saying stuff backwards. Like I thought someone was trying to say “+5 life per second” instead of actual " + life every 5 seconds."

Thats a terrible change to already bad affixes. My god blizzard. S6 and the expansion is looking worse and worse by the day to me.

I actually found myself playing with skulls in my weapon to have a bit of sustain. Can’t do that when pushing though. people will be using healing potions a lot more now. Luckily the potions drop like crazy.

That is a head scratcher. 15% chance to gain +2 life per 5 seconds, wow, what will I do with all that life?