+ Levels to Skill on Masterworking

I just upgraded my gloves with masterworking and found out that the last level (25%) on + Skills don’t guarantee 1 more level to said skill.
So… all your work getting materials is wasted if your last masterwork hits the skill instead of any other affix.

This isn’t good at all. It means that all you did, all that work was for nothing (since the materials for the last upgrade are kinda heavy).

Yah we have major issues on how or what masterworking works on + skills or passives. Its a trial and error thing right now as it doesnt show decimals and so we are just guessing. Nobody has any clue how this works with 100% accuracy and we need some sort of dev response with how it works with say when does it decide to round up?

A crit should never do nothing. They need to do something about this like maybe fractions are calculated in. So quick example if you have +4.45 to ice shards on your gloves it does not ignore the .45 part. Then this whole problem goes away.

I did some math on winterglass and conjure sorc starting at 2 and my numbers say 2 crits is the best outcome but ppl say 3 is best outcome. What if its a greater and started at 3? Its just sheer complication and oops looks like I goofed reroll time.

well it can upgrade your skills tho. im not sure how exactly it works but i got a +1 on my golem mastery.

25% of +3 = ?

Sometimes the thing you expect is not what happens.

The decimals need to be viewable by the player, at the very least. Then we can concretely state what happens at certain breakpoints (0.46, 0.50, 0.51, etc).

We don’t even know how the 5% and 25% stack on a skill point calculation (or with GA), because the decimals are hidden. And the only way to determine the final outcome is to compare one item in the same state with a changed variable (25% crit, or GA difference, or native skill point difference) at 12/12 Masterworking. Which… is a lot of effort for an item you won’t utilize because you can’t equip 2!

I just got a +4 rapid fire GA gloves the other day and masterwork four made them +5 and then masterwork eight made them +6. Not sure if it’s pure chance or if it’s actually targeting the +skills affix but thanks for the heads up I won’t go to 12 yet.

I could have sworn that I got 1 more level on my +rapid fire affix on scoundrels kiss the other day from masterworking.

Yeah, but afaik the complaint is that it’s not guaranteed, bc it depends on what the true value of the existing affix is, and the tooltip only shows the whole number.