It’s slow and elites are hitting so hard. I’ve just transitioned from WT2 to WT3 at level 48 and open world/dungeon mobs are 55 instead of 53 like they were before. Helltide even worse at like 58 or something stupid.
They have completely ruined the flow to the game and I just cannot fathom the reasoning for these changes.
P.S please dont tell me to git gud. I have 100 hardcore sorc on eternal realm and 300+ hours in the game
Believe it or not; there are Humans out there that have actual trade and viable skills that don’t involve living at moms’ until you’re 38 until/or when she dies. Yeah I can think of a Youtube cuck or 2.
Thats a worthless opinion, they just mentioned theyre on WT3 and the mobs are a much higher level than what they used to be. The mobs are either your level or a couple higher, but never lower by any levels. The XP gain has always been poo in the higher WT’s. People are already level 100 because A: They stream the game and thats their source of income or B: They’re overgrown crybabies living off wellfare. I guess we could throw a C option in there in which case the player hasd a disability that limits their employment and theyre on SSDI. But regardless maybe the OP is a casual and works 8+ hours a day? Like many of us do
T_T i also tried Barb for season 1, Huge mistake, omg playing this class is like dragging a painful weight.
Walk slow as hell,
Damage are low as hell,
Resource generator are single hit to 1 enemy.
Damage of AOE skills sucks so hard. WW damage is almost like Resource Generator.
WW damage pertick are not affected by attack speed??? OMG.
Relying on Shout to even combos of skilling. Without shout, painfull as hell.
Rage deplete almost immediately after 1 or 2 skills.
4 skills are on cooldown.
I thought this class was about the most tankiest ever, yet dies several times immediately out of nowhere. Walks again so slow.
Ive never been chugging potion so hard for other class, This class makes me goes to town to refill… Never been in that trouble for other classes.
Attacking is so slow.
OMG i dont know that Barbarian are these bad.
Now im level 41 and playing this class requires a huge iron steel willpower…
To make things worst, Season 1 Malignant hearts for barbs Almost negligible.
I didnt even care those things at all, just socket anything to help this class from suffering more.
I am lvl 40 ish now, I have been sick since launch day so can only play for a bit at a time.
It’s not a race. The season started out feeling samey, but after level 15 or so it picked up again.
I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to do the same content again…but I like making alts this is that with a sliver of story line added in…(I said sliver, it is not much)