[Let's organize] - Ok, so what is the BIG (or are) reasons why people dislike/hate S5?

Personally kinda find it hard to understand…

I myself have already voiced my opinion that they should drop the powercreep, reduce the ceiling (as opposed to raising the floor), and then improve the rewards (as mentioned before - would rather run 1 compass arena run of 30-40 minutes which promises much better than doing 10 each lasting 15 minutes cause can’t last less and then have a 0.5% chance to get something of use :P)

But, that’s just me, haven’t seen other people really criticize that particular issue. Here’s some of my background:

Did 2 days of the new content… Struggled to get some compasses initially at day 1, but got like 7-8 pretty reliably from HT chests on day 2… Keep in mind that there will be some pre-stockpiled amount of compasses as well by the time people hit lvl100 on the live/server version

Having said that, I assume (again, assume, not sure) that the BIG issue (or at least what I presume to be the big issue) is that there are little to none if not absolute zero Abyssal Scroll drops (i.e. stuck at having compasses at tier 3 all the time)

Perhaps a bit early but that’s a potential issue/problem. I’m planning on running about a dozen more compass runs (not gonna go into tripple digit territory lol), and then try to level-up a freshly new made character and see how that also feels overall :slight_smile:

The second part is what I saw that people dislike that Staves have been “downgraded” to dealing DoT (especially Uniques like Greater Staff of Crome for ex., DoT having no use for that item, and must say I agree with that one in particular, so perhaps make sure Uniques got a useful Innate affix roll that serves it’s purpose as opposed to “belong”)

Haven’t gotten a new unique (yet), well, other than the immortal Shroud which is what is gotten when a new character is created and boosted to 100 :stuck_out_tongue:

The other thing that I’ve noticed is people disliking the fact that off-hands now roll LH instead of CDR… I guess makes sense (somewhat)

Also kinda weird but here’s another one… Normally Core skill does about 2x damage of my base skill but there are times where the base skill simply vastly overperforms (usually my Puncture doesn’t do bigger damage than Twisting Blades, EXCEPT at times when they suddenly one-shot stuff and do an absolute ton (haven’t figured out how/why/when that happens though :P)

I asssume it’s a bug (Cold Snap maybe multiplying some crazy numbers), but not sure

BUT - in terms of Season-specific stuff - don’t see why otherwise people are (or would be) SO bummed about the season…

So WHAT is the big disappointment of S5 so far, did you guys expect a much bigger/greater content or theme, or… ?

Is it me or am I trippin’ ?, so let’s organize and discuss, according to you folk:

A - S5 sucks mostly because
B - S5 would be better if…

Now here’s a suggestion that I liked from down below:

Thanks for the suggestion

Let’s do some grown-up talk :slight_smile:

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What we have tested is patch 1.5.0, not season 5. Season 5 theme hasnt released yet. Although I dont anticipate it to be very exciting. Nor does season 4 theme exciting either, s4 probably the worse seasonal theme ever. What’s succeeding is patch 1.4.x

I get patch 1.5.0 is paving path for VoH s6 or patch 1.6.x release, but s5 theme really need to step up to retain players from a boring patch aside from power creeping due to spaghetti coding. State of builds is balanced due to these spaghetti coding. Majority of us probably still gonna spend first fortnight on s5 but unless the theme is worth farming or exciting group combo / synergised build for me. Its unlikely s5 will take the 3rd week of my time. Given S4 barely take 3+ weeks of my time. There are other things more worthy of time than contents displayed on current PTR such as v1.1 patch of LE and many steam heavily discounted games.

Thing is Adam Jackson has played s5 already. He almost done with s5 after 50 hrs of gameplay pre s4 launch.

Ok, so that’s the biggest turnoff: balance and damage-exploit/calculation bugs, correct ? :thinking:

A: I sincerely thought Blizzard learned something from S4. I have been fooled so many times already and I can’t stand the BS anymore. I need to see something concrete before I believe anything they say. I launched the PTR, I know what I saw. The game sucks.

B: S5 would be better if they cared about this game.

OK, so it comes down to what I imagined things should be like:

1 - Reduce the heck of broken damage builds/outputs… Target pit 60-80 or somewhere at max (around compass tier 5-6 by default)… If people wanna go higher or run higher perhaps can team-up for better results or use some in-combat boons in the room

2 - Make infernal rounds less of a repetitive routine and a rarer/bigger event (up to 40 rounds), start at tier 3 compass then increase by 1 level as it goes (5 rounds tier 3, 5 rounds tier 4, 5 rounds tier 5, e.t.c.), add a “enough of this meaningless vermin fight, wanna face the council” option so people in HC (if suspect death) can stop earlier

3 - Add both versions of items viable (both Battle and Mage staff versions, both Battle and Mage OH versions, both Battle and Mage Wand versions). Personally would expand this to Pants and Rings too (allow a subtype of Pants to be offensive-oriented with ability to imprint offensive Aspect instead of Defense, and defensive-oriented rings with ability to imprint defensive Aspect instead)

That’s my “B” answer I guess, well, thanks for participating in the discussion, ty all :smiley:

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class balance is horrible as is and needs to be tuned faster

tempering is horrible as is and needs to be tuned faster

bugs are everywhere and needs to be tuned faster.

not sure whats going on but this isnt looking good

  • The nerfs are reminiscent of the 1.1 patch. The only real damage in the PTR is through bugs.
  • Tempering is fundamentally flawed.
  • The new game loop is slow. The upgrade system doesn’t work well and you have to continuously start over if you don’t get the upgrade.
  • Mostly that they didn’t do anything to fix the issues they created with the S4 itemization changes.
  • Balance issues which only seem to have gotten worse. But the PTR is pretty buggy so hard to call it right now

For me personally.

Because tempering is still a huge problem to me, even on the PTR while I was leveling, it was difficult getting items tempered with the correct stat.

Because once again we are nerfing builds that are fun and are performing well and not buffing anything else to really shake things up, on top of that we are also destroying a necromancer build completely. Infinimist is no more.

Because once again, we are getting another endgame system that’s very basic and not very fun to interact with or even rewarding. I can get a 1GA item for 250 aether? WOW, such reward. Oh I kill blood maiden and get usually 1 GA item + cinders for helltide chests? WOW Much better than infernal hordes. And don’t nerf helltide rewards.

If we actually had a chance to make our own builds that could compete with the meta builds, without being a game mechanics specialist. Why can’t I just specialize into heartseeker and have fun with only that skill on my bar and still be able to somewhat do most content? Why am I forced into some weird combination of assassin/stealth/tinkerer. There’s only 3 paragon boards that can be used, the rest requires traps/stealth etc. These are the problems that really affect me. I could care less if someone runs pit200 and farms that all day long with some crazy complicated rotation requiring build.

Infernal Hordes, would be better as a roguelite mode, with an infinite progression system that only works inside Infernal Hordes. Unlock talent points, unlock more powers, unlock stats, unlock infinite powercreep inside of there and make it not wavebased, but a survival against the hordes of hell, a timer that just counts up and every minute the mobs consistently get so much harder that it’s very hard to survive. Rain fire on me, Rain ice on me, Rain lightning on me. Let me then convert those powers and use them against the demons. Basically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwRXE3o9kMI

Let me go crazy inside of this mode and have fun and break the game in stupid ways. I don’t need guaranteed GA items. give me a box of goodies that gets better as time survived increases.

To give you a measuring stick. I want 5 minutes survival, to be as tough as pit200 on live servers right now. Make me suffer. Make me feel like it’s impossible, bash me in with that stick and then give me a carrot, let me see my personal best time survived. And let me have fun and be creative without having to resort to a build guide.

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Must say I agree with this one :slight_smile:

Will try add the gist in the @OP

Now this part I also like but not necessarily… I’d rather have pit 60 feel as pit 200 without necessarily having the pit200 numbers… And don’t have stupid million levels of game’s “afterthought”, but the bigger point I wanna emphasize is this:

How do you balance/design this for HC mode ? :slight_smile:

The game could’ve been this if it wasn’t limited by keeping viability of HC mode… To be frank I’d even recommend to ramp up difficulty of the whole game (much more like it was on release) and then add another extra affix of survival (for HC or Brutal mode, or both) for all item slots :thinking:

Sorry, it seems I must have said something that made you misunderstand. I was referring specifically to a roguelite mode. Where I want my little barb behind to feel like Lilith’s claws are digging deep inside and ripping me apart, before eventually getting the carrot and then getting powerful and gaining some metaprogression that makes me stronger next run. And I mention stronger, not just “more choices”. Like, give me permanent +5 strength in all future runs of that roguelite mode. Or something similar, but not “Here’s another card to add to your deck that might be optimal played in the optimal order, but 99% of times then it’s bad”

Do you understand what I’m trying to say.

Yes, I think I did, you want to feel like playing a lvl101, 102, 103, 105 character against 105, 110, 115, 120 mobs while inside the infernal arena and not necessarily affecting the game outside

Kinda weird but I guess I got it tbh :slight_smile:

I assume this is referring to Tempering right ?, I think it got quite a bit better (for example Shock finesse is no longer 1/5 bust but things are sort of split in 2, similarly Rogue’s Cutthroat finesse IMO got better), but saw some people still complain somewhat

No, not the pit, but infernal hordes.

Give me a place to sink my time into and where I get rewarded for my effort and not for spinning the lucky rng wheel.

Imagine the strange builds you could make in such an infernal horde. Maybe you get a choice between +1% LHC for all future runs or +2% chance for not consuming resource on skill cast. Etc. You could open up a new world of creative and fun builds, contained to a small sandbox that doesn’t affect the rest of the world and allows people to gain meaningful reward and progress that they can use in that sandbox.

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I know what you meant (renamed to infernal arena if it’s less confusing lol), just me being temporarily blonde :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m blonde in real life though… :sweat_smile:

No but yeah. I think it could be really cool to have a proper sandbox place where we could play around and have fun without having to follow meta. Lets make our own builds viable.

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