Legendary, Sacred and Ancestral?

Need help,

  1. What is the difference between ancestral and sacred items?
  2. Can rare items be ancestral/sacred
  3. How ancestral/sacred will behave on rare/legendary/unique items?(if aplicable)

Basically the way loot drops are currently everything should just be considered normal drops the way they currently are.

Wouldn’t consider even yellows rare since they drop 95% of the time

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Alright, so here’s the clarification:

  1. Sacred items and Ancestral Items are essentially just stronger versions of the exact same items that drop on WT1 and 2, but they only drop rarely and only on WT3 and WT4 respectively. Essentially you can get a ‘short sword’, a ‘sacred short sword’ or an ‘ancestral short sword’. Sacred items roll having stats between 50 and 70 and ancestrals roll having stats between 70 and 100.
  2. Ancestral and Sacred items can be everything that regular items can. So you can get rares, legendaries and uniques that are standard, sacred, and ancestral.
  3. They act basically the same as they do on normals, just if a rare or otherwise item is sacred or ancestral it has better stats. The one special caveat is that legendary affixes extracted from items will retain their ‘normal’, ‘sacred’, or ‘ancestral’ status and only sacred affixes can be imprinted onto sacred rares and only ancestral affixes can be imprinted onto ancestral rares.

Edit: It turns out that part of this was wrong so since people are still seeing it I’ll edity the post - you CAN in fact imprint aspects on higher tier items.


Rares are 3 tiers.
Normal, Sacred and Ancestral - higher the Tier = higher base stats, armor, dps etc.
Legendary items - See above.
Legendaries are basically Rares with a Legendary Aspect attached.

Uniques are fixed “Aspect” items. Cannot be removed nor imprinted.

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Rare, Legendary, and Unique items can drop as sacred (world tier 3) / ancestral (world tier 4).
The aspects have to be of the same item quality type to apply the affix (so a sacred aspect affix can only go onto a item that is also sacred and an ancestral aspect affix can only go on a item that is ancestral)
Unique items cannot have their affix removed or changed

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There are countless videos on this, just google?

  1. It’s the same gear but different tiers. One is world tier 3 gear. One is world tier 4 gear. Obviously world tier 4 gear is better.

  2. Yes

  3. They behave the same. The key thing is that you can’t place a sacred affix on an ancestral item. It has to be an ancestral affix to put it on an ancestral rare. Codex will still work on all.

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My answers:

  1. I do not know
  2. I do not know
  3. They will behave poorly. See, I don’t know much about D4 but I do know the general nature of items…it won’t be pretty. Nor will it be easy.

Thank you for clear description!!!

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Wrong. You can imprint a normal aspect on an ancestorial item and vice versa no problem

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there do seem to be restrictions, but it’s not plain rarity.

right now i have a rare and can’t imprint on it. the button lights up, but then there’s an error.

If the restriction isn’t Normal/Sacred/Ancestral perhaps it’s ilvl tier? 1-149, 150-339, 340-459, 460-624, 625-724, 725+. Not tested this hypotheses though

Item power thresholds. 625+ is sacred, 725+ is ancestral.

whites and blues can also be sacred and ancestral. Good for salvaging and selling at higher rate.

Also, if you affix a Sacred Legendary Aspect to a Legendary Item, it also adds a 5th upgrade slot for whatever 4 stat categories it comes with, at the blacksmith or jeweler; often adding an extra skill point if one of the categories

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This part is not true. Normal can be imprinted on sacred or ancestral and there is no difference in quality or stats when you do.

If only you’d read the rest of the post, you’d have seen I already edited that to correct that…

there is no diference…game is garbage