Legacy Gear .... AGAIN?

Why must people bother playing this game to yet again grind away for the Ubers? Or even the uniques?
Does Blizzard really just not give a s**t about their clients? Are the devs so disconnected from reality that you guys can’t even put in place a mechanism to convert existing gear into the new format? Say for example going to the Blacksmith and having an option to convert to new gear.
Not everyone makes their living from playing Diablo and streaming it and therefore does not have hours upon hours to put into the game to now re-farm all the gear again.
What exactly was the point of playing the previous seasons to build up a stockpile of excellent gear, only to have it become utterly useless, again?

We really need something back for this nonsense! Either reward a spark for every Uber AND Unique when it’s trashed or provide us with 4 sparks for each Uber that now needs to be trashed, or the mechanism mentioned above.

To make matters even worse, the old gear has in fact been updated to the new format, so WHY is it legacy???


Because that’s literally the point of this game. It’s like say why must I play fps games if I must keep running around shooting people from the point of view of the shooter.

Not a great example…if you’re playing an FPS and you’re forced each time to start with new gear, on an already built up player, believe me there will be something said about it.

I haven’t gone into my Dungeons & Dragons game account for over 3 years but I can guarantee you that the gear is still viable for any of the content.

I just edited my original post, but to make matters worse the old gear has been updated but now it\s “legacy” so essentially cannot be further MW.

Sorry, but i think that you are disconnected to the reality, these type of games lives only for their seasonal approach, if the majority of the player will play in eternal realm, this game will be already closed for failure, and so, the fact of the legacy items it’s a no-problem, couse you everytime will start with a seasonal character, and what you have done in the previously seasons is useless anyway

Agree 100 percent OP. There are a lot of unhappy players voicing the same opinion . Dont let the seasonal players discredit your opinion. This is where you are supposed to express it.


You knew this change was coming. See you in S6 though.


If the halflife of your seasonal items cut cut in half, e.g. at midseason patch this week your 925 dropped down to 625, how would you feel?

Duration of the issue might be different, eternity vs 6 weeks, but the essence of what is happening is the same. You have a player base that had the half life of their items cut short and downgraded. You would be upset if it happened to you before you completed your seasonal journey, and eternal players are upset it happened before they were done playing the game.


well, i played every season until now, but im also an eternal player. i like to build my character and still playing it after the season ends.

And i understand the changes with season 6, but man… gear will become legacy the 3 time in a row, i mean c’mon, then what is the point of having your eternal realm when it clearly isnt “eternal”…

And what hurts the most, is having to refarm my mythical uniques again after already refarmed it for season 5 changes. I have a full time job and if that is Blizzards treatment i would rather pay for boss materials now instead of wasting my time here - which i already did by posting this.

im just rly disappointed, and i know some ppl will say then dont play… well, that is what i will be doing, not touching this game for s6.


That may be the point of Seasonal but the point of Eternal is that you can log in whenever you want and continue playing where you left off and not have to start again.


See I think that’s where eternal players are mistaken. Eternal you don’t have to level from 1 again but there’s no promises of never having to get gear again.

this game has been designed to be a) online and b) constantly full of new content (aka seasons). Sorry to disapoint you but if you want a static game (eternal mode) this game is not for you. Is it your first time with the diablo franchise?

If is something that happed to all the player, to set a new standard, i really don’t mind, anyway i think that after this last season, almost everything will be setted for a lot of time, and your new legacy item will stay the same.
How many people after season 4, when the mythic started to be easy to obtain, have thought that they will never be able to obtain them again?
I assume quite a lot have had at least this feeling, in the end in the season 5 the Mythic are even easyer to obtain, will be for sure the same thing in season 6, and for all the future seasons.
The game is moving to the 2.0, if this isn’t the moment to start a season character and then have all the item farmed into the eternal, if you really want play eternal, i don’t know when will be the right moment.
And look, i really don’t mind if they set the eternal item at 800 item power or not, i don’t care, nothing will change for me, but maybe with something to chase also the eternal player can actually have a sense of new progression, i hope you are not asking also to have all the 300 paragon point automatically in eternal.

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This must be your first time with the diablo franchise, because it’s literally the first game in it that’s been like this.

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With getting loadouts soon, I am even more personally invested in what ends up on eternal, for me. I get the whole, each season it doesn’t matter, that is true!. However, example, I have this season levelled ALL of my glyphs to at least 15 and most to 21 on both a rogue and a sorc. Plan is (was?) to work on builds in my down time, (season is done, and I want to try new builds). Resetting the goal posts so close to each other shows a torrent of idea switching going on between the various dev bosses.

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It is obvious that you never played Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 when there were no such things as seasons and the games were hugely popular. Ladders were later introduced in D2 which were reset to start the race to 99 over but that was not the core of early Diablo games. It was not until D3 that aRPGs were bastardized into racing games.


why are you guys beating up mephisto in the forums? wait another month and you get to beat him up in game. Until then, leave mephisto alone!