Leaderboard is all Korean

Maybe Western players should stop being dogwater at video games.

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You know whats also very popular in Korea? Exploiting and cheating… Always has been Always will BE…remember the various exploits These Guys found and used in Aoz? Maybe better you do

The leading player in AoZ is Chinese, who then worked together with Rob.

Yeah they wanna be a big fish in a small pond

Do you have evidence that the people on the leadership boards are cheating? Pretty sure basing it purely on someone’s country if origin is not only against the code of conduct here but probably a sign you’re just bitter you didn’t do better.

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Ah Chinese…arent that the Guys WE got all the wonderful duping exploits from? Seems absolutely legit, for sure

Top 7 on Xbox my boy, top 150 all platforms…btw Rob even posted vids explaining all the totally legit and wonderful exploits These guys came Up with in Aoz… These Guys are legit and earth IS flat…btw you must have Mist the latest Statement about those legit Guys getting removed from leaderboards from prezradar on Reddit…wake Up dude

That’s not evidence. Plus when I look at the top 10 for each class there’s maybe only 1 or 2 Korean names.


Prezradar, Theres your evidence

It’s either Chinese or Koreans, pick one

Again what evidence do you actually have? Being on the leaderboard and not being from a western country is not evidence.

Why does their country of origin matter at all?

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Yea you fools flag BS and let garbo still be posted hahaha…

Just Look Up robs Aoz Videos where His Boy mekuna (nr1 sorc) IS shown to BE exploiting via various snapshots in Aoz, skillfully explained by rob himself…so that dude, an Exposed cheater in the past IS legit nr1 sorc now,playing without any exploits…yea Sure, earth must BE flat too…idk what more evidence you need…Same goes for other Guys at the top now WHO got Exposed via Rob in the past…on top of Rob stating in one of His latest Videos himself the only way to Being competitive for the top 10 IS using exploits, again…

You probably should look at the COC, almost every one of your posts violates it.
You keep saying people are flagging you. But reality is they don’t need to.

For example you can’t use cuss words on the board just because you are not using all the letters in the word. That will still get you actioned on.

Then there is the issue that you don’t actually discuss anything about the game, you just sit here and attack other users. I mean I get you think it is fun. But they don’t really want their boards to be unfriendly.

@DarthTalon, I’m not sure the game’s budget can afford your common sense development suggestions or your consulting services. They are already paying a boat load by ignoring Phatty’s executive decisions. :rofl:

@OP, I hope you realize some of the best gamers generally are China or Korea based. Even Rob2628 videos often have to reference these builds. The original design of the winning AOZ build was China based.

Even when you look at something like Starcraft, the Korean gamers and their competitive ecosystem of tournaments forged usually the best players.

@Chris, let’s settle in the literal middle between the countries. It’s the NORTH Koreans. :rofl:

Is that person in the leaderboard? And even if there are do you have evidence of them actually using an exploit?

Some videos of a few people using snapshots to get past content last season that was declared “impossible” by blizzard is not evidence of current exploits happening. At best it could be cause for suspicion for the people involved but not suspicion for an entire country. You’re making some huge logical leaps here and the motivation behind those leaps is very questionable.

Also the Olympics should have awards by region as well. I observe the summer games are too dominated by Aussies and Americans. And the Winter games are too dominated by the Canadians.

Curling should not be allowed to have so many winners from a single country on the leader boards! Warm countries without ice need representation too.


its all korean because they all paying thousands of $ to be there, the game is full p2w

We just moved on to better games.