Lacking social system

Thanks. This is going to make the game so much better.

Triggered much?

It is not hard to meet people and join a clan. That is what players did before group finders became a thing in mmos. This is not an mmo. There is no content that requires a group to complete. If you want to play with others, join a clan or discord. That is what people who actually want multiplayer instead of a carry are doing. You dont need a group finder or matchmaking service in an online single/multiplayer game. If the devs cave and put one in, fine. But it would be an incredible waste of time and resources.

fair enough but you still bought a game that

You still bought a game with these whatever you want to call it and then complain about it when you could of not bought it and waited till they fixed it

But to buy it knowing it had issues and then complain about the issues

but its OK to knowingly buy a game with problems that you knew about before you bought it and complain about same problems

maybe you didn’t have

you may not of known of ALL the flaws but you still knew it had flaws even if you didn’t know all of them
and you bought it anyway

Yeah, i liked the chatboard in DII, wich was a row of chars of each player which was logged in. Also a language selection was there. It was very very nice. So please Bliz make someting like that again!

Can’t stress enough how well Diablo 4 runs on steam deck.

Everyone says get a better Pc but you are literally right Iggi, for some reason it runs better on non bleeding edge tech.

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I’ve never been one for buying high end video cards myself. I have a 3060 in my rig right now, and while yes I won’t ever see the hairs growing out of a pimple in a video game, I’m perfectly fine with that. My system hasn’t had any issues with D4 or any other game I choose to play. I don’t need 500 FPS when my eyes can’t see past 60.

Would it be nice to have a beefy card that costs more then I paid for my washer and dryer? Sure, but it’s definitely not needed. My system is stable, it’s reliable, and I have no issues, that’s all I care about.

So that you can send chats to players who want to be left alone? No thanks

This is incredibly good news and will really help the game out a lot. If you happen to make it like Diablo 2’s custom game list, you’ll be my best friend forever. But d3’s version will work fine too.

This game really needs the community, social, and group enablement systems of D3. Leaning on Discord is a very bad idea. The D3 systems would make the chat function and window useful. Instead of having to spew my battle tag or other account ID data a system right-click in-game would be used.

Because of the MMO design elements (the overworld) its less likely that the devs will be able to use the D2 design. The D3 design would make sense because it is based on the battle net platform which D4 is a client of. The solution is simple and elegant. Its really bad when one can connect with people and coordinate in-game activities in the previous era game (D3) better than the latest era game (D4). Its such a step backward.

I played D3 for almost 10years with some pauses, and last years I played only because I made friends from Germany, Turkey… even South Africa beeing in same server woth Europe and in this way had a lot of fun. of course I would quit without that grouping options from D3. Diablo Immortal was even better on this I admit.

New affix: Pc good on thursday looool

No Group Finder either! Thanks to screwing over your fans with lies over the years!

Went had then they said ever a group finder was a thing in this?

Liar! The same way you are Aware of of us paying customers wanting Group Finder in Diablo 4 in the game? LIAR! Let’s go back years to false advertisement! Up to your lies until Group Finder actually comes in game! So be an actual man of your word! No more ex get it in game asap.

Or as one suuggestion has said, all the individuals in a group can offer up mats at one time (so if a boss needed 5 living steels to summon, then everyone pitches in 5, for a total of 20) and bosses drops 4 summons worth of loot (so instead of summoning 4 times, you just get it all in one summon).

Another suggestion of the same vein was instead of 4 summons worth of loot, you get a a better chance at the rarest drops (so maybe doubling/tripling the chances).

As it stands, i hate grouping up. So time consuming

Edit: time consuming for an ARPG. I use to raid lead in WoW (especially pugs), so im use to blocking off time for an activity, but thats for 1-3 hours, not… this.

see raiding in wow is actually kind of fun…

you work as a team to achieve a goal, thats fun to me

here you…you just smash buttons randomly and let jesus take the wheel, and that mfer always crash my car in the pit apparently, lol

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Agreed… this game lacks social aspect big time and therefor get’s boring fast… it was noted back in 2023 summer by players and blizzard has yet to do anything about it…

Very proud of you blizzard for participating in your own forums.

Is is mind boggling that in 2024 I am playing a Diablo game, an online multi-player game, and I am solo except if I go to a 3rd party site to find a group. Even then the party size is rather limited.

Tired of hearing people whine and complain how much D2 was better? Well maybe if D4 development was not missing so many important aspects and components, people would not complain. Some of my best memories ever of a Diablo game came from D2, joining groups to play through the game, or complete a task. Several times I found a game of 7 players who went through the entire Normal > Nightmare > Hell together without any ‘rushing’ character.

So how could they develop this game in 202x and not think to implement a group/game finder leaves me speechless because I do not think I can truly write here my thoughts on this as there will be to many *$#&@ and *****.