Group Finder , when is it going to happen?

If you enjoy solo experience, spare us and let the group finder supporters to advocate the change. (Discord / Forum are not a good alternatives)

Season 1 already started. The chat system is not greatest but it is still tolerable. When Diablo 4 is going to add the "quality of life (Group Finder) " change that developers mentioned from twitter ?

The game is so stale playing solo all the time and its so difficult to form group. I had applied many clans for group but they all have warning messages that show the clan currently have supernumerary applicants. Honestly, Diablo 2/3/World of Warcraft have friendly looking for group tool. What is/are the insurmountable reason(s) for Diablo 4 to implement a simple quality of life change ?


i cannot wait for this to happen. when i used to play wow a lot, as well as other games, i would log on for a few hours, run a few dungeons, and do this again whenever i had time. would be great to do this in d4. it would keep me interested for a much longer time.


group finder is the last thing we need if you can’t find people to play with and have too much social anxiety to use discord or some other medium group finder wont solve your issue. The fact that we have memory leaks and can’t implement extra stash storage is way more important. It will come most likely season 3 as this is when they plan the majority of their content I could be wrong though World tier 5 and new gems in season 2 I somehow doubt they will put cow level in without ladders. For example I bought diablo 4 all of the classes are unfun for me except sorc they just broke sorc majorly it’s more important for them to fix sorc and lets say barb because that impacts us from even playing. Sure after those classes are fixed maybe they can look at a quick and dirty solution to grouping but do you really want more memory leaks if they rush it? Do you think they can push it out quick enough and not brick your graphics card and deny to have it repaired?

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Diablo 5, Season 10.

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I’d like to see a group finder and world chat honestly.


Game construction is clearly not your forte.

not sure why all of the hate. seems to me one or two games out there that are meant for social play have a group finder mechanism ingame?

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Agree, this is ridiculous , been a year to year of waiting, for nothing, for a new the feature that that was already promised during Development! All us gave money for Diablo 4, and yet you are only letting us group finder fans down again And again. Diablo is almost great, but it will never great until this promise is fulfilled.

As stated in a post, in another thread, this game needs the D3 treatment with respect to community, social, group enablement systems. See here:

we need group finding/social… in game, not over 3rd party like Discord…