Keep the vaults. Please

To the dev team. I hear vaults aren’t going forward. This is a huge mistake. The loot difference between nm dungeons and NM vaults is horrendous. I ran 1 NM dungeon. 1. I leveled 2 to 100 and another to 80. Vaults are much more fun.

Remove the pet for sure. But keep the vaults. The load in area was fantastic.

If we have to run NM dungeons I think it will kill the game, even with the changes. It was the best part of s3 by far. Taking it away… big mistake. This sort of reasoning on blizzards part is why I will never pay for DLC content. No costumes. No battle passes. Why would I? They remove the best parts of the league every league. Lol. It’s insane.


Imagine how I feel, I have ZERO desire to re level a second, third, fourth etc character to 100 or even half way JUST to be able to play the games content. Everything should be available on the eternal realm after a season is over, that’s reasonable isn’t it?

If you heard the developer chat, then they often mention a term “Pigeon hole” Thats why they have to remove things that too good compare to others.