Just me of T4 Infernal feels overtuned?

My damage is good, life a could be better but the best i can make it atm. t3 is pretty build works i can “max” the dungeon so to speak and pick the higher challenges including council extra damage, jump to T4 which is only 120, and i can clear 70 nmd. and it feels like i am fighting way higher purely based on my life needs, damage scales somewhat fairly and i expect them to take a few more hits at this stage, but man, my character is squishy and i am fortifying druid, so yeah could be me, how are other’s going in T4 no mythic , no triples.

T4 i need to stack incense and life elixirs to take the damage, it just doesn’t feel right to me, in comparison to going up from a T3 or perhaps the jump in monster level could have a mid Tier, like 110 - 115 before 120, this could make progression feel better for off meta and average players like myself.

This happened to me jumping to T5
After masterworking my gear a bit further I was able to do T5
I just had to be careful with Desecrators and corpse bows one shotting me lol

Interesting, What level approx. of MW was needed for T5 for you?

Lol, yeah that single one at the start one shots me in T5 XD

The hordes tiers don’t really align with other content of the same mob level. When I first tried t7 which are 180 I was plowing through t91 pit which is 190 but the horde mobs kicked my butt. Once I got my masterworking up and got some gear upgrades there t7 got easy.

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Tried to get everything at least to MW lvl 4 since I mostly had obducite lol but if you can get it further that would be good
Also try to reach that armor and resistances cap

yeah caps are fine, in surplus i think. Okay noted 4 and above. Speaking of mats, does IH give other tier MW mats? Higher up i mean, i know t4 doesn’t.

5 and 6 gives the yellow one and 7 gives neathiron. 7 also drops stygian stones.

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Somethink must be wrong with your build, i done t5 with my eternal ball lighting on full legacy gear.

T6 also drops stygian stones :alien::+1:

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6 also drops stygian stones

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I mean this wasn’t a tape measuring contest post, so very helpful, you want a cookie.

6 can drop stygian stones too, at a very low rate

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