Just hit lvl 100 - no tempest roar

had about 24 vasilys…2 crones… both bear and wolf chest pieces…but yeah…no roar, pretty bad


I can’t even find the aspect I need for pulv.


I hit 100 with no TR drop and have about zero desire to play Druid now or ever again. It is ridiculous.

I have found 5+ of every other Druid unique. I leveled from 60-100 in NMDs.


Yeah I’m about to hit level 96 and have gotten everyone other unique that can drop for druids except tempest roar. Not sure what I’ll do if I hit 100 and don’t get it by then.


290 hours played, lvl 100 for weeks still no tempest roar.


Yeah I feel like I’m going crazy I’m only level 80 but every other Druid I see has one and I’ve had neither helmets drop. I have 3-4 of that stupid ring, 1 of each weapon and 2 of each chest piece. Fortunately stormclaw feels good without the helmet but the other sets don’t imo


Well I guess my crying was heard by the blizzard gods I literally just dropped a decently rolled tempest roar in sunken ruins from some random ghost, don’t give up guys! I’ve been farming non stop after rerolling Druid last week


I finally got lucky with the roll and get stormchaser ring. Now my next goal is to get tempest roar. wish me luck :persevere:


It almost feels like they nerfed the drop rates of everything. I used to get 10-15 legendaries a NM dungeon run, now I’m lucky to get 1. Something feels off since the recent uber unique changes. Even legion events rarely give legendaries now.


Meanwhile, I’m over here with an inventory full of them :laughing:

Edit for clarification: legendaries, not tempest roars.

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This is my feeling, just hit 100, farmed a few hours in 60+ tier NMd’s. Just felt like I was digging sand. This experience turned me off from going Druid S1. Such a shame.


You’re going about it wrong! Make multiple druids for season one with different build plans for each, then build one for TR when one of them has one drop! PLAY MOAR DROOD.

I’m 99 on my druid

11 Vasily’s, 4 Razorplate, 13 Mad Wolf’s Glee, 8 Insatiable Fury, 3 Crone, 5 Butcher’s Cleaver, 5 Waxxing Gibbous, 7 Fist of Fate, 2 Storm’s Companion, 6 Temerity, 1 Penitent Greaves, 15 Hunter’s Zenith, 5 Mother’s Embrace

0 Tempest Roar

Something needs to change.


I got lvl 810 ancestral for completing a T21 nm dung lol, lvl 64 druid. Pretty good roll too.

The werenado build is insanely strong.

Vasily’s -5
Insaitable fury-3
Mad Wolf-3
Crone Staff-7
Waxing Gibbous-5
Butcher’s Cleaver-3
Fists of fate-3
Storm’s Companion-2
Penitent greaves-3
and 15+ zenith+mother’s embrace rings

Level-98.From 94 to 98 farm only cultist refuge+blind burrows+ancient’s lamient+champions demise at 23-29range

it’s something wrond with drop.
Also try after 98+ farm at world t3…and at t3 i got much more unique drops.

15 july : +1 Zenith ring,+1 ,+1 mad wolf+1 instatiable fury
+1 tempest roar at 99 level as NM reward
Level 100
+1 fists of fate
16 july +1 penitent greaves,+1 razorplate+1 waxing gibbous+1 mad wolf’s glee +1 mad wolf’s+1 razorplate+1instatiable fury+1Vasily’s+1 frostburn


See, we are in opposite boats here.

I want your Waxing Gibbous drop rate, you can have my Tempest Roars :laughing:


meanwhile, i’m lv100 and chilling with 9 tempest roar

Level 99, almost 100 and still no Tempest Roar… grinding NM dungeons since level 65. This is a joke.


Since I got my tempest roar I haven’t seen much sometimes I feel like the rng is seeded or something! Some of these drops rates you guys post are crazy I feel super lucky that my roll was actually pretty damn high and at level 80. My gf even understood how hyped I was when it dropped because I’d been farming for days lol and I explained the mechanics of it too😂 I personally used the crones stormclaw set to get my tempest made farming easy and mindless

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